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Ask me anything you like anonymously

50 Replies

Am prouda u

And why is that, anon?

TeeKay27 replied 4901 days ago

If u had 1 wish, wat wuld it be?

Hmmm... :? One wish...? To be successful in whatever I put my heart in. That including ¤Thando¤ and I's relationship

TeeKay27 replied 4921 days ago

mthethwa"Ewena Thobekani uyangdzakwa yong! Asu hlalepansi !" lmao

Hahahaha! Eish Lebo bra lol! Hahahahaha! That woman kills lol!

TeeKay27 replied 4922 days ago

y do you talk to kuhle kazy, isnt she mean?

Lol! Cause she's my friend and nah Kuhle's chilled bra, she aint mean

TeeKay27 replied 4922 days ago

ArE yoU anD ThanDo daTing oR yoU gUys go0d frIenDs

We're Dating!!! :) Dope Neh? Yea I know hahaha!

TeeKay27 replied 4923 days ago

Wt atractd u to Thando?

Well the first time I saw ¤Thando¤ she had this really Cute smile on her face, giggling wit her friend. So yea if that's what you asking then there's your answer. Her cute smile and sweet, musical giggle

TeeKay27 replied 4924 days ago

Have you ever dated or had a fling wit dat coloured girl in grade 8 sharell

I choose not to discuss my past due to the person I was back then

TeeKay27 replied 4925 days ago

Ei Tee K..I jst fnd u n Thando adorble,I mean ur a cuple bt ur so cmfrtble wit eachotha,I see u guys gttng maried 1 dae,hw du u guys maintain ur relationship 2 b so open n awsme at d sym tym?

Lol! 1st of all, thank u for not hating and thanks once again:):). Well yea that's the idea:P. oh and there's not much to it we just got that love for each other that's what keeps us going (lol! And between you and I, I love her waaay more don't listen to what she tells you) lol! Hahaha! Thanks again anon.

TeeKay27 replied 4925 days ago

LoL sup TeeKae** hahaha after that you should know who I am!! Lol 'I lost my number can I have yours?!' L0L

Lol! Hahaha! Sup Lee hehe! Still wondering how you got that wrong. Lol! "Eish! I lost my teddy, do you wanna join me?" lol! Hahahahahaha! Lol! Ey ya neh lol!

TeeKay27 replied 4925 days ago

***** to tink of it.. Won't u Eventualy go bck to ur old ways u knw playn gals?coz if dats da case pls dnt hrt thando. Sh reali luvs u shame..

¤Thando¤ has changed alot in me, anonymous, and believe me when I say I love her and nobody but her. She's my other half, she made me a better man and I owe it to her, to give her all the love I can. ¤Thando Mbali Mthembu¤ is my one and only!!!

TeeKay27 replied 4925 days ago

hw l0ng til u lose intrest in her dan go for anda chck? playa

¤Thando¤!? Hahaha! Never!!! The day my heart stops beating will be the day I stop loving her!

TeeKay27 replied 4927 days ago

Vele wena ur a dog joh busy playing my girl thando sies ur just so pathetic shame dating a lot of girLz is So oUtta fashion shame wena DaRKie gooorssssh u disgusting lil preak

Its funny how you claim she's your "girl" and yet you still fail to write her name with a capital "T". Lol! Read my reply to the previous Qooh and you'll get your answer. And if its still! Then you have serious problems. May I suggest seeing a shrink. They get paid to give you the attention you so desperately seek

TeeKay27 replied 4929 days ago

Xem y u cheatin on thando? Yeeee dats so unfair on hr

Ah you know what neh? Take your right fist yea...shove it up your an** don\'t stop till you can feel your rectum. Then take your left fist shove it up your v***** till you can feel your ovaries. Now stay in that position maybe that will keep you entertained

TeeKay27 replied 4930 days ago

how mani galz hv u dated in the last past two m0nths?

Broke up wit a chick late july...or was it early august. Whatever. But now I'm with ¤My One And Only¤

TeeKay27 replied 4930 days ago

y u such an idiot?

I've been spending alot of time wit your mother and she's been rubbin off on me that's why

TeeKay27 replied 4930 days ago