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342 Replies

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

That my business is my business not everyone else’s!

Teegaan replied 2347 days ago

She made me screen shot all this for her to so that if you run to the cops on her like the rat you te she can defend herself so probably just don't bother;)

Lol good on you guys!! Want a medal??? **** off lol

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

You probably should lol


Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Again hahahahahahahaha!! Maybe you shouldn't accuse her of things she isnt doing and write things about her on the Internet and she won't have to msg you;)


Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Sent you a msg. What getting to many hate msgs and changed your number again? she is not happy your talking smack about her on here. Not at allllllllll lol

Yeah probably got it just didn't read it cause it's a load of **** I don't care about, lol n Talking smack? Haha I honestly couldn't give a ****. **** off to your own life and get out of mine.

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

She asked me to ask you if you got her msg? She wants to make sure she made herself loud and clear

lol what message? And even if I got any I wouldn't give a **** haha

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Just told her about this and she thinks it's funny as ****! She told me to tell you you have tickets on yourself and you need to get a life hahaha She said she will come see you if she feels the need to harass you lol

Lol and yet your lives r better then mine?Haha sweet.

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Lol whatever beleve what you want retard. Pretty sure we both know if kylie wants to say **** to you she would call you or come to your Bronx pit

My life is obviously better then yours, your the one on anonymous along **** to me, Hahha **** off.

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

I have my own life too and I can assure you it's far better than yours! Lol Just pickin on you cause you a ho and it's funny as ****

Then go put your nose in your own life. Goodbye!!

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Kylie told me you have her blocked so how is this her? Lol Your a ****ing retard as always

You can't block people on this idiot. Anyway cya

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Lol so? Why do I need to move on? Haha

Because it's none of your business for one. And because you have ya own ****ing life. Leave mine the **** alone.

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Lol kylie?? This isn't kylie but I'm not going to lie we did laugh over him sending this song when he was with you lol

It was well over a ****ing year ago. **** off and grow up. Move the **** on.

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Remember every little lie
Every last goodby
And I never walked away
It's still a mystery to me...
The lien the bleeding the screaming was tearing me apart......


Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

Well I'm so empty
I'm better off without u
And your better off without me
The lying the bleeding the screaming was tearing me apart!!!

Paint the mirrors black
To forget you
I still picture ur face and the way you used o taste....


Teegaan replied 3348 days ago

As wikard as I r
Ur beautiful to me
Your my darkest burning star
Your my perfect disease....

Think we know pretty well who this song is about and it ain't u;)

Oh Kylie you think this song bothers me? lol grow up and stop harassing me. Surely you have better things to do then sit their and listen to songs from your X.. I have better songs from him, so piss off :D

Teegaan replied 3348 days ago