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I would only answer this if I knew who was asking...
Myself :)
Stay at my house!
ive got alot but probably at geelong with hannah
be skinny and pretty
dont have one but my closest friends are Ella and Hannah
No, i was going to but we have some family issues that are more important
1 ~ Tahlia Wintle-Burton 2 ~ Hannah Smokovic 3 ~ Ella gibbins
nothing the end...
thanks hanny but its not that bad and the person is probably a wanker anyway! :)
hannah i love you!
who are you and what do i have to back away from? and whats gt? :)
u already know hannah :)
seemed really nasty the first two terms but seems like a nice person now.
They are all friendly and they are all in my class.
rather not say :)
jesus, she is a gorgeous girl with the best tan ever! Plus she is really nice and we have known each other since prep
na but i should get it one day
if u mean girls here they are: year 7's Maggie tranter, ella tranter, sarah calleija, hannah smokovic Year 8's~ Tahlia wintle-burton, keely Year 9s. dont know many but probably maddy
None :)
When I win at anything.
hey maddelyn fine thanks, whats your name on this?
i will smack u hannah! ^_^
Let me guess this is definitely Tahlia