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Shark Boy :| .
Hay Babes :D x
Hay , I'm the coach x
I don't know , you tell me x
Hayy nerd xx
The bullsh*t people say :)
I watched a few episodes - its an awesome series :D
BBM me and I'll tell you ♥
I'm definitely a party girl ! And I'm definitely a beach girl x . BUT I like to partaayy on the beach :D ♥
Blame it on the niiight x
On this 18th floor balcony , we're both flying away x
I love that sooong !! :O x . And awww ♥
Nice remix of one of my favourite Blink 182 songs :P x
Baby , start a new flaame :D
Too late - ya dead x_x ♥
Opens door and pulls out shotgun x
Love me harder :P x .
Sorry Ntokz :| x
Amy - this is why you my fav ♥ ! Funny yet weird sense of humour x :P !
You are one of a kind Ntokozo ♥ ! That's why I luhh ya x
Please do ♥ x . BBM me - " minted " ?
Bass drops !! Click x !
Please go on and confess - I'll really appreciate it even though imma mess ♥ . BBM me pwease x
Like real people do ♥
Cause I'm an albatroaz :D x
Tell it to my face please x
They're the same as everyone elses x
I want to travel the world with my best friend .
Aww thank youu x . Maybe we can meet up sometime to play Xbox or soccer - kay ? ♥
There are a lot x . But you are definitely one of them ♥
My favourite word :') x
Bluue ♥
A marine biologist
Chocolate and Chocolate Chip
I'll tell you on BBM nunu ♥
I look up to a lot of people - ecspecially to some of my friends ♥
Some of them are a bit mean to me - but I have a few others that are there for me ♥ .
Happy Little Pill x
Of course youu bby
O C E A N M O T I O N ! :P x
Of course my doll x !
And you are the water to my melon
Lots - Holiday , 18th Floor Balcony , The Rock Show , Smells Like Teen Spirit , Illusions , Latin Lingo , If You Can't Hang , and Iris ( etc ) .
Holaa ♥ . Its been a while dude :( x
Suure ♥ !
All the Step Ups , Bad Neighbours , This Is The End , and loads more .
Thanks - who is this ?
A mermaid
Anytime honey - I'm kinda free for the rest of the holidays x
I miss you too x . Ping me on BBM ?
There are so many but I like - Sleeping With Sirens , 5SOS , Blink 182 , Nirvana , Green Day and Cypress Hill
Yes its blue - is mine orange ? :P x . Ily Cazz ♥
Aww thank youu
Sisters before misters ♥ . Even though Cameron Dallas is super hot ...
Angelina Jolie x