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Teesh Bilkey


Ask me anything xxx

775 Replies

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Spoil my boyfriend

Teeshhh replied 2975 days ago

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

It's accepted that they don't wear make up haha

Teeshhh replied 3060 days ago

What have you noticed about yourself recently?

I'm a mess

Teeshhh replied 3107 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?

Homework lol

Teeshhh replied 3131 days ago

What will you be doing in next hour ?

Going to the doctor

Teeshhh replied 3169 days ago

What did you last Google ?

'Kathe Kollwitz'

Teeshhh replied 3173 days ago 2

What would make your day?

If someone said something nice to me

Teeshhh replied 3199 days ago 1

Whats annoying you right now?

That I have home work fml

Teeshhh replied 3201 days ago

What mistake will you never make again?

Pick up another class I had no idea about

Teeshhh replied 3206 days ago

how old r u


Teeshhh replied 3208 days ago

What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw?

Once i threw a piece of paper behind my head into the bin and no one saw it.

Teeshhh replied 3208 days ago

would u ever date a girl

only is its Gigi Hadid.

Teeshhh replied 3208 days ago 1

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Morgan's shirt bc I live in it anyway.

Teeshhh replied 3210 days ago

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

Yes bc wigs & eyebrow pencil

Teeshhh replied 3215 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?

I never really get compliments

Teeshhh replied 3216 days ago 1