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139 Replies

thoughts on Lilly Moore

Idk what to say like bit,ch then nope shes nice, then bit,ch then nice. so idk

Tegzie_Bear replied 3227 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

nothing is perfect HAHAHA

Tegzie_Bear replied 3228 days ago 1

Last great thing you did ?

not kill myself :(:

Tegzie_Bear replied 3232 days ago

Who do you look up to and why ?

I look up to many people. Why idk

Tegzie_Bear replied 3235 days ago

did u win anything at athletics today?

I won Javerlin

Tegzie_Bear replied 3237 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

the personality, face n hair

Tegzie_Bear replied 3237 days ago

I love you Teags xx and the family thing will blow over you will get though xx

Thanks love xx

Tegzie_Bear replied 3240 days ago

What's under your bed?

Books and lollies HAHAHAHA

Tegzie_Bear replied 3241 days ago

Sorry about ur grandfather loss :(

Thanks :)

Tegzie_Bear replied 3241 days ago

why do u even wear that shi,t flower crown to school like fu,ck man its looks so damn good on you.
I want u to teach me how to make one.

Ok tell me who u are

Tegzie_Bear replied 3242 days ago

Thoughts on Mia bovalino

answered this already

Tegzie_Bear replied 3242 days ago

Thoughts on macey

shes ok

Tegzie_Bear replied 3242 days ago

who is the biggest boyband on earth???

Not one direction.

Tegzie_Bear replied 3242 days ago

Your eyes are here for a see...Not to blind them with tears...cheer up princess your better then them dont listen to the haters my darling they are only jealous because your on top and the at the sorry A$$ pit at the bottom

Thanks, please tell em who you are x

Tegzie_Bear replied 3243 days ago 1

Keep your head high. You will get there, I promise.

Thank you :)

Tegzie_Bear replied 3244 days ago 1