You're really nice and was great coaching you this year!! And played so well this season :)
Why is your bin full of green glue??
Because someone went a little crazy
Why are you still going out with Keo? You could do way better then him
Because i couldn't do any better than him :)
how did you know it was me hahah :D larakofoed13
I have no idea ;) Just a guess!
how are you today my lovely human being?
I've been great, how have you?
you're fabulously amazing
So are you :)
What are you wearing right now?
Rate on all the guys in your class? (You in 9i too aren't you?)
Samual Swift is my favourite 10/10, all others 0
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
You've changed.
Do you hate anyone?
No, I don't hate anyone. There are people that can annoy me but I get over that :)
Oh wow, that's impossible!!!!!!!! Sport is super amazing!!! I would love to be great at them all..... but then being fluent in every language, that would be a dream!!! I guess I could learn most sports, but not every language, so every language it is! Night!xx
Hahaha thought that one might be tough! Night x
Live forever, so long as I don't get old and my joints die and stuff.
would you rather be naturally average at everything (not great, but never bad), or completely excel in one thing only?
average I think :) Same as now!
Would you rather be fluent in every language or be great at every sport?
Point taken. Your turn!
Okaay, would you rather be rich or live forever?
Because ant's are tiny! I wouldn't want to squash it!!
alrighty. Would you rather have an ant or an armadillo for a pet?
Hey Muna! I'm bored with skype for some random reason :D how is you? good? good. shall we play a little game of would you rather?
Sure!! I'm really bored too!
omg i hope you are enjoying europe so much! im missing having you at school though! haha might be a bit hard to get used to when you get back!! xx have fun! larakofoed13
Missing swing everyone there too but Europe has been great :) last night here today so ill b back there soon :) thanks xx
who do you like
Ask me via inbox :)
plz who is k p?
Who are you? If you know me enough to be seeing this i'm sure you'd be able to guess can't you?
Bet you can't guess who this is! :P LOOK NO NAME! :O
Nope ;) can't guess!
Good luck googling that riddle ;)
It was pretty confusing ;) hahah
If you're my sister, and you marry my big brother, would that make you my sister-in-law, or him my brother-in-law?
Well I would say it makes him your brother in law seeing as we are already married but either way, it's pretty weird ;)
Enjoying my beautifully friendly spam?
I sure am! :)
I wonder who your secret admirer is!
Me too :D I have no idea who it is!
you're so popular on this thingy :P I'm so jealous!
It's so weird! Hahah
Are are you so perfect?? I just don't even know :D Seriously, my Wifey is the most perfect Wifey in the WORLD!!! xx :D :D
I'm far from perfect but thankyou :D xx
who is k p ?
Who do you think it is
Will you date K.P?
Will as in is it going to happen? Or would just if I would want to?
im not the person who is hounding you but i too would love to know what you are talking about
Hahaa just someone asking if I would date someone
I'm on Qoohme I don't want to be known
Well obviously, but i'm probably not going to give you a detailed answer if I don't know you
Ask him yourself then, I'm sure you would be talking to him
Yeah, why do you care though? And the answer is idk, maybe.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind, just do it
How would I know if he would care?
Not the first question I asked, hasn't been posted yet
The question hasn't, the answer has. And why are you interested?
Just do it
Why? I answered it already?
Just post the actual question then, I'm sure he won't mind
Why? And I don't know if he would mind or not.
Answer the question properly through the question and a good answer
But if I post that question anyone can see it? And also how did you know about that?
Are you going to reply to my question?
Just saw this, and to answer your first question, i'm not sure? No one knows the future. Why?? And who are you? Hahah
Who do you talk to the most?
There's one or two people that I talk to nearly everyday they know who they are :) My closest friends would be the ones I talk to most, which i'm sure you know who that would be.
who do you think would be cute together?
Wow, there would be a lot but I can't think of any off the top of my head!
Oh :(
So not that special really :)
Really! How do you make them red!
Not really red, they were just very bloodshot and looked like it!
Can you make them red?
They were all weekend :)
What is so special about your eyes?
Not much, I just like that go from green to brown and can look more like one colour on different days.
What do you most like about yourself?
My eyes I guess
How did you and your best friend meet?
Through school :)
8 questions since I sent one, I said you wouldn't miss me xx
But I did though, and I know who they were from. We were talking on facebook at the same time. Can you talk now?
yay 250 questions! hehe i only have 83 :(
I only have so many because of that one person that won't say who they are
omg we have to win netball this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayay i really hope we do! omg im nervous larakofoed13
We do!!! So am I, I really hope we can win it!
spodihgqen[rpbko'efabl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;fmDLSV/ KJQBETRGEAFSP
Yes? :D
ayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayayaa hai
Heeeeey :D 250th Question! ;)
Doesn't seem you have taken any reaction to the answer
Which answer was this?
you have been there for me, when no one else was. Thank you so much for that, it means more than you can imagine xx larakofoed13
Only like you have for me xx so thankyou :)
Is the person asking these questions to Temuna by any chance Sam Swift?
Umm is it? I wouldn't know. They haven't told me.
You can be sad all you want to be but I know for sure that I won't matter to you after I'm not talking to you anymore
You will still matter, why wouldn't you?
Because nothing will happen with you and I, it will just put a mark on your record that I liked you so now no one will know
Come on, that's not true!! No one will care and nothing bad would come of you telling me! No judgement. And I still really want you to keep talking :(
Can you at least explain why you won't?
No I won't talk to you again
Why not? :(
Different without you xx
Then can you talk tonight? :)
How has it been without me? xx
Different, not getting messages much anymore. How have you been?
Hey :) how many days until Europe?!
17!!! :) How many for you?
I am in love with the thought of you xx you will never know who I am which is bad but good for you
How is that good for me? :( It would be good to know
I just want you in my life no matter what xx
And i will be, when you tell me your name
Well goodbye then for tonight, I think you will be better off without me, I may pop up with messages now and then
Please don't stop talk altogether? Can you talk again tomorrow?
Many ways that I do not want you to know
I don;t understand how you think you would hurt me? It's fine though if you dont want to say
I would eventually hurt you in one way or another
How do you mean?
Because it is a person that is not liked by anyone
If no one likes you how does that make you unsafe?
Because they would probably care about you, which wants them to know that you're safe
Why would i be unsafe?
But the people around you would, I am just the most hated person at school
They wouldn't care who i talk to! Why would they?
So I don't get you hurt in any way
You wouldn't get me hurt.. unless you punched me or something :D
Well maybe you won't know me and that'll be good for you not too
Why would it be good?
You don't understand how much of a horrible person I am, it's not good
I can't understand that because i don't know you but i really don't think you would be a horrible person!
Well they wouldn't be because you're talking to me
No one would say anything bad about you talking to me
Well people have done it to the people I have talked to
They won't do it to me, and if they do they must be pretty stupid.
I can't make that choice though, i don't want you to get picked on because of me
That's not going to happen. No one would do that!
But I don't want to because you will not like me at all
Okay :( If you really don't want to then it's your choice
But when you find out who I really am they will if they see you talking to me
Can you please message me on facebook right now? That way no one will be able to see and i can really talk to you properly?
But you would because you hate people judging you from what I have been told
But they aren't going to from this!
They will because people do that to me and they aren't low people
Well i honestly don't mind if people do that to me.
I know you think everything of what people think of you, people have told me
Well if people judge mo on who i talk to thats pretty low. So i really don't care!
My point is you would be ashamed to talk to me and people would find out you do then you would start to hate me
I would not hate you over that! And I don't care if people would know anyway :)
But you don't understand who I am
No, I don't :(
And then go back to ignoring me because you found out that it wasn't a person that you expected it to be
I would still talk to you. Like I am now, i wouldn't want to ignore you
Well you would think that I am a very selfish person for not saying who I was earlier
No i wouldn't. i'd just be glad i knew
Well if I talked to you it would be awkward because I know you wouldn't like me and you would hate me from all the things I said
Why would i hate you!! There's nothing you've done that would make me hate you at all!
Well if you're not going to get anything out of it, I'll be on my way
No, i want you to keep talking. I just don't know if YOU will get anything out of talking to me.
What have I got to offer if I stayed?
I just want to keep talking to you, even if i don't know who you are. But i'm not sure what you'd get out of it.
Well you have broken me to little pieces, i do not feel like talking to you anymore, it's just bad that you would do that to me
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to put it like that.. You can leave if you want to but I would like if you stayed :(
I really like sending these messages to you but obviously I do not satisfy you in any way
And i really like getting them from you too. I'm sorry :( You don't have to say who you are but please keep talking if you still want to?
Obviously my love and care is not good enough for you, I will be on my way then
No, it's really nice you're doing this, please don't stop talking :(
I'm going to love you until the heavens start to rain, and the stars fall from the sky.
I would really really appreciate it if you told me who you were. Then i would be ale to talk to you and i need more to talk to..
Well I'm in year 2013
Okay, Well what did you do today?
Y7 Y8 Y9
Year 7's don't know me and it wouldn't be a year 8
BSE maybe
So you do then, which year?
Which school do you go to? I'm not going to know who you are from that
Well you can start and I will see what I can say
Umm well you go to my school dont you?