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Annie Venter


Don't be shy. Ask anything!?

63 Replies

Hoe spreek mens jou naam uit??

Ek kan mos nie dit op qoohme antwoord nie?

Tennis_Girl replied 2283 days ago

Jy en ian?

Hukm vra almal dit??? Ons is net vriende. Daar gaan nie iets tussen ons aan nie en daar sal ook nooit ni! Asb hou op vra...

Tennis_Girl replied 2451 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

To be in the sun without any sunscreen??

Tennis_Girl replied 2457 days ago

What is the worst decision you ever made?

Not to say how I feel and to keep my feelings for myself...

Tennis_Girl replied 2474 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

That I'm busy loosing a friend or friends that really mean a lot to me and I don't know why.

Tennis_Girl replied 2481 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

Not to trust anyone and believe what they say so easily...

Tennis_Girl replied 2481 days ago

Jy en Ian?????

Kan wie ookal dit is wat dit bly vra asb ophou. Ons gaan nie uit nie en ons gaan nooit uitgaan nie so hou asb op!!!

Tennis_Girl replied 2483 days ago

Wat gaan nou aan tussen jou en Ian, want het julle soos glad nie saam gesien die laaste paar dae van skool nie??

Ons is nogsteeds baie goeie vriende. Maak nie saak watter toetse ons deur gaan nie, ons vriendskap sal altyd sterk bly. Ons albei het ook ander vriende wat ons net n biejtie tyd mee wil spandeer. Dis al???

Tennis_Girl replied 2486 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Go to a library if I need to do research for school or if I was doing nothing, I probably would've watch tv or go to sleep.

Tennis_Girl replied 2536 days ago

Kan jy net asb se wat tussen jou en Ian aangaan????

Kan wie dit ookal is net asb ophou dit vra. En ek se maar net, muni jou hoop op enige iets sit nie...

Tennis_Girl replied 2547 days ago

Wat gaan aan tussen jou en Ian?????

Daar gaan niks aan nie

Tennis_Girl replied 2549 days ago

What are you currently worried about?

Nothing at the moment.

Tennis_Girl replied 2550 days ago

What makes you uncomfortable?

When couples act like there's no one else around them when they are actually in a group of people.

Tennis_Girl replied 2556 days ago

Kan ek jou n what's app stuur JDTM

Seker maar

Tennis_Girl replied 2568 days ago

Asb sê net wat tussen jou en Ian aangaan????

DM my dan sal ek jou sê

Tennis_Girl replied 2568 days ago