Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
yes, but nay. I'm not interested in anyone.
Who dafuq doesn't, bro if you don't know then there's no hope ?
Why thank you❤️
I don't have a favourite, I like a lot
No one really, I'll see my close friends soon
Hmm, there's a lot of different things. I don't like categorising things as the best, because it depends.
Enough to stop me from going hungry??
Appearance doesn't matter that much, but I'd prefer a little meat on those bones, yunno??
I miss Ziyanda
I know her well
Davayan and Chanel
Nothing much, I don't have many friends that are available
No, I thought about it but I'm staying in Felixton
He's a good dude
Love you too bestie❤️
She's my friend, a very good one ?
She's my friend
I don't know yet, yeah, remind me in the morning.
Nothing major...
My mom already lived her life, she wouldn't want me to die for her life to be saved, I'm her favourite after all?
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.❤️❤️
No, people like that are disgusting, but if someone thinks they can mess around with me, I'm going to show them what it feels like
Nope, sorry to let you down man.
Thank you?❤️
Good good, you?
I am focusing on myself right now.
DUDE! I know, right?
It's not me that's weird, it's weird that people think it's wrong to be weird. Being weird is nice, I'd rather stand out in some way than be generic my whole life.
14 going on to 15 this April
Most probably only my sister
I like a lot of songs, this is a hard question...
I'm sorry but, we're not together anymore
Thanks Geeh ❤️
I have a lot of favourite songs, I get bored of nice songs easily, so it depends
I've got a lot of best friends.
Everyone ??
"Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool." - Andy Samberg
I try not to hate anyone, so I love everyone
Every single thing that comes out of Ziyanda's mouth
Because you're a master baiter?
Me too❤️
What doesn't make sense?
I'm yours now❤️
I don't know?
Hmm, I guess I love you too?❤️?
Making people's day?
Jesse, please ask some valid questions?
Not really, if you want something that isn't $exually related you can DM me
I wouldn't like that, I wouldn't mind being friends though.
Yeah, sure, DM me?
Yes York, I respect them all the way
Because, I like women
What must I say now, idk
Idk what a churro Chick is bro
Tell her bro
I have no regrets
I do got lotion, idk why I'm ashy hey
Wow, thanks for finally qoohing me
If only other people would say that about her instead of herself, no-one appreciates self-praise Kivania ??
Yes I do?
The people that surround me
I want to feel loved
I needn't any money
What about Teaghan?