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Tessa Williamson



32 Replies

That includes me ? allyyxx

Nope it doesn't

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 2880 days ago

What are you most afraid of losing?

The people that mean the most to me

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 2906 days ago

Me xx sophlidge

Love you, you're such an amazing person and we have gotten closer the past couple of months xx

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3080 days ago 1

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

I can't even remember with ally
Amy in primary school at some point I think?

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3108 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?

R.B last year

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3144 days ago

Where do you want to be living in 10 years?

Somewhere warm

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3145 days ago

I can't tell if your being serious or not......... milliemutton00

I was Kidding hahahaha

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3175 days ago

What are you trying to prove to yourself?


Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3176 days ago

Thoughts on Millie?

Hate her

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3176 days ago 1

What one thing do you need to do next?

Cook ally breakfast

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3211 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

No boy drama. Can do whatever with whoever and whenever.

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3271 days ago 2

How do you deal with a break up ?

Haven't had to deal with one

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3301 days ago

Me tess? Xx lexie.nolen

Don't know you very well anymore such a nice person from what I've seen and heard Though xo

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3342 days ago

Me? xx milliemutton00

Good friend, you've kinda dissapeared off the face of the planet lately and we've haven't spoken in awhile, we should catch up before school starts back up.... x

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3471 days ago 1

Me? xo chloebogle

You an amazing friend glad we've been seeing each other more often, need to catch up again soonish xxxx

Tessawilliamson2000 replied 3471 days ago 1