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Thabiso mkhonza


Ask me anything you like anonymously

13 Replies

What keeps you going everyday?

God ,music and the people close to my life my friend

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4881 days ago

Who is the m0st valuable gal in ur heart currently?

yo0o0oôh !!!,is in that obvious? Its Hr, mum n sister are W0MEN so they dnt count right..?

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4904 days ago

Who are you currently dating?

the VIRGIN MARY,LOL,am kidding ok sondeza indlebe i d0nt want these people to hear me.,.its its its...J-N-T-Mkhonza ,oh ja just so u kn0w ,hhm...I LOVE her...

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4904 days ago

If we were a secret,how long could u keep it?,keep it 2 urslf,dnt tel nobody els?not a prblm?talkn bwt myn,and u all mine,and u,u,u,....and u just be mine,just be mine,mine, what if i kissed u ryt now???#singn#,lol

lma0,will it bring us any closer,take the weight of our shoulder,then take me am yours....i dont care who really kn0ws but can we be that open with all of these em0tions???

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4912 days ago

Do u feel happy when people constantly ask me(Lizah) about u all the time?just curious

It pissez me off ,truelly cause would think that im the one asking those quez,but sizothina mina naye l0l,+sigh+ we had/have fans hey....i guess they just sad yabo

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4935 days ago

wts the mst emberassing thing u eva done

Well it was in 08 at glenm0re in durbs,we came in da afta n0on then they told us time z the m0st valued factor thr,bt first thng in the m0rning time 4 da assembly am da only one left at da domes,am lyk 5 mins l8 bt uNSIMBI yena uyithatha kalula lol,evrybdy got so shocked that the teacherz ddnt even get fustrated thy jst wntd 2 crack up,bt dis one wyt lady gave me a spanking in da arse...

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4942 days ago

what do you hate most about yourself?and why?

I hate n0t giving a **** cause it hurts alot of people,sumtimes people i really care but thats also da best part of me..otherwise am only a step 4rm perfection...

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4942 days ago

Who do u thnk is the mst interesting gal on fb u would lyk 2 mit her?

Wow uhm ei l0l,it has 2 b all of em,but ragel ,thabisile ,mpilo,aaah does sjabza count ? If so then yes or and Philly..

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4942 days ago

is it true dat u slp wth man?

Lma0,l0l...yoh i would die bef0re i do that...lma0 ,never is the answer

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4942 days ago

Wats the worst lie u eva told

Lma0,l0l,yoh...uhm...eis ei maan maningi,l0l...let me pick one.#thinkin hard# at primary skul i told em i had a bby-sista n i must make sure she gets to creche yab0 bt kithi am the last b0rn

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4942 days ago

What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?

There are to0 many,one is that am a womaniser cabanga nje

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4946 days ago

Who are you dating currently

N0 one....

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4946 days ago

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Craze,smart and loving

Thabiso_mkhonza replied 4946 days ago