Thando Nthakomwa
Eti ur the biggest ..... At bba?
Lol...biggest what?
Man dont lie! Ixse yu ARE with Magz! U must be! B honest!
Talk about insisting...smh. Bruh/chika...we friends...get that into ur system!
I hear ur dating Charles Maguire. True?
We're friends. Not dating...
Wat bra size do u wear???
is valter CUTe i hve noT SEen him be4
Yes dear. Yes he z. . .
why do u like valter?
Coz hz swt, funi, nyc, kind, cute. . . . =p ahhh
bo gf i like u so MCH I SIT BEHIND U
Hueva dis z. . .f u tryna say charlz i no t aint hm hu rot dis.
Dont u think u like valter just a little too much?
Hmm i dnt. . .
U lhyk charlzz ryt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??
As a frnd. yes.
Thando hw du u lke hanifa and du u think she has posibilities of being ur bff
Idk. . .n3va thot of t!!
Dhu u lik chailos mawaya??
As a frnd. . .yea
Thando guess wat??!!
Have u eva dated sam1 u dnt lke
N0000. . .
Haha. . .no. . .ama w8 till marriage!! ;)
u singLE RYT* Nah
Valter valter valter valter valter valter. . .
I dnt mind hw many tymz u say tht nme. . . :D i L.OV.3 hearing t
Does valter make u smile?? :D
More than u cn imagine!! :D :) :P :} :]
Wat do u lyk mst bout valter?
Evrythn!! :*
thnx 4 tellin kelvin the stuff....nd i will kno f u told hm u kn ryt???
Hu dis?
guess wat my fave song is now??
Hu r u?
you kn0 who u shUd go out wit..??... KELVIN...holi crAp u 2 wud b gorgepus 2gether he shud not be wit a ****/hoe like norah-sori to sae- u shud tell hm this...will u??? 4 me??
S pho frm teletubies fmale or mle?
Oh gosh! Hu r u nd wat z t wt ur obsession 4 teletubies? Bt jus 2 kip ur spirits up, pho z female
Is tinky winky gay?
Haha* Shame. . . coz "it" carries 'round a purse n claimz to b male. . .i'm nt sure!
Y did u brek u viginity @ a vry young age
Choka. Wat a lie. Hu dis?
d0 u luv me tooo??? coz my luv 4 u z undiyin nd flows lyk an endless river <3
Uhmm sori to burst ur bubble but. . .i donno hu u r. . .kma u cn inbx me
i wIll...ama hIt ur fb nb0x
Cul. Am w8n
s0 wh3n u sae am annoin m3 me z s'p0seed 2 t3ll u wHo i aM???
Wil u or wil u nt tel me?!
hAha,....i hAv otha sources....mmmh, ama thNk on t, U cNt b clever wit mE ,,,
Nde basi. . .ur annoyin me
so0 n0t chArlz....kodi z t trU chaRlz nd hEather hAd <dnt hW 2 sae t> 'spArkz'??
I'll tel u da ho thng ku inbx f u tel me hu u r. . .tx ur call swtie! :)
my surnAm3..??... t stArtz wit an M, bt U onEstliii dnT kn0 ma sUrnam3...giv uP y3t??
Fyn i giv up. . .i stl thnk ur charlz
w0w....nt heather dear....
Cmon jus say hu u r. Wat do ur surname strt wt
hAha...dAT WUD B R3ALLI OBVIOUS snce nt so many ppl hav that i cnt sae
Heather. I knw tx u
00oohhhhh!... wRong! hAnifa i aM n0t!! i aM nt in uR dat 0n3.... go Up,,,,0r dwn...ur cAll!
Wats da first lettr of ur nme?
ohhhH...th0t i asked u WId ma uS3r 1nf0..lolz...nwae, yea... am a cHicK nD i kn0 u lUv stere0 I wrng??
oh sh!tt....dd I jst asK u a QUE wit mA name on t???
I wish...
i Am at LA...t0lD u oReadiiii...... U kn0 m3, dnt g0 searchin fAr, nwAe hWz dA holiDae??
U a chik?
hAhA....wae oFF ma dear, bleive when i sae we rNt in dA sAme clASs...
Kma u at La?
i Sit bhynd u?? wHr??
In class!
i A1nt iN uR clasS...nD i a1nt t3lLIn wcH clasS 2.....R u rel8d 2 bAhati nD UNgweru bY aNy chANCE??
Yea am rel8d 2 bahati. . .nd i no hu u r. Dnt 4gt kuti u sit bhnd me. . .
cUte....nd ths aint chArlez,,,,basi amwene, u aint gon kn0. so0 tell me3 mo bout tha 'drama'
Hu r u? U in my class?
u dnt kn0 who th1s z??? mmmh, k...letz play sum gamez then nd we fWndz deariiii....w8! U lyk Valter in that wa3...aS in lYk lyk?? kapena crusHiN...??...
U ryt a bit lyk charlz. . . Nd ya lyk lyk
he sngz wit a broom....that on3...u kno the one,,,, do u still lyk valter??
Hu z u? Nd ya i do.
do0 U hav a thng 4 hmmm hmm 'small earz'????
Haha! Shame! He has a name! Nd no i dnt. Kodi do u mean da guy hu singz usin a broom?
u jst wnt to kip hm 4 ur self
Xcuz u! Wtf u tlkn bout?
u *****h...u aborted ma babyy!
Lol! Charlz u hav nufn 2 do!
R u a fb addict?
Guilty as charged!
z it tru dat u r not a virgin
Dats a lie
Z it tru u r having an afair wit ur teacher
Yea t z!! Lol. H3ll no!
Wat z é name of ur boyfriend?
Dnt hav. . .
i knw u wnt hm bck
Wat the hell? Heather i no ths is u!
Eti ur jealous?
Wtf! Pipo gt dis str8 i am nt.
R u a virgin?
Yes! Course I am!
Thando do u hav enemys in form 3?
Yea 1 or 2...jox i dnt!
Is it tru u lyke charlx?
Do yhu lyk valter?
Oh gosh! Hw mny tymz shud i ansa dis?! Luk at tha ada questionz!
Is it tru u hate heather?
No...nt at all!
Do u stil lyk that stupid guy valter?
Valter znt stupd. . .u r 4 sayn dat. . .nd yea i do
If u knw ur crash is goin out wit ur friend wat wud u do
I cnt stp luv.....f tx lyk dat basi so be it!
y u madd at me?u knw hu thz iz
Kaya u rememba kaya u dnt.......kma u said sumfn!
Did u have a crush on ivan
I did in 4m 2. . .b4. . .
Wht do u think about valter nd heather chatting together does she make u jealous
Nah...nt at all! I got my reasons.
Wat do u thnk of ur cuzns?¿
Mmm deyr intrstn...VERY i luv em! <3
Are yu mad at gabz?
Y wnt u pik up?
Coz tx 2 early!
R u single?
Yes...yes i am.
Wer wer u lst fridae nyt...??
Wat does t matr?
Wat do u thnk of charlx magwaya?
I thnk he a gud frnd...
I like u?
Z dat a question?
Wat do yu th1nk of heather?
She z a nyc gal. . .quite frndly :D
Who is ve flyst dude in yur clas?
Hw mny tyms mst i ansa dis?
Y ddnt u tlk to me at xul?
Hu r u?????
Hu is tha flyst in form 3?
F ur in my class. . .u no da ansa! ;)
Y dd u ignore that 1 at xul?
I ddnt ignore.they ignored me. . .
Who is the cutest at lilongwe academy
Guy- valtr
girl- All
Do u love me u knw who it is ?
F tx hu i thnk t z. . . I do! Very much! More than u cn imagine! :-)
Hwz da week been?
Friggin H3ctic!
Wat do u thnk of form 3?
Abnormal. . .very abnormal!
Who am I?
Honestly! Hw shud i n0?
He he he u! Who r u
Rily?! Dats jus retarted!
Dats nt a question!
Is ngonji ali a gwd frnd to tok to?
very!!!She hlps u sort out probz........
Wat z mike like??
Z t true kuti u lyk Gabriel?
nah....he z more lyk a big bruh!
hu r ur close frnds on fb?
Dean, Gabz, Chinsisi, Sali etc.......
Y z Valter nt *****g to xool??
Hw shud I no!!!!!
R u a gud fwnd .
I n0 who dis z! Nd i thnk am a gud enuf frnd 2 2 pipo!!
hu do u hav a crush on???? r u *exy???? wat wud u wish 4 if u had 1 wish???
1. Mhhm 2. Idk 3. That i ruld da world