Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Not plotting for Total World Domination earlier on. Now there's so much to do and less time to do it in!
Pointless questions asked by the website/application.
I'm single. Don't really have time for a relationship when you're Plotting for Total World Domination.
Stitch (of course).
Being happy. But even better, achieving my Plot For Total World domination and becoming the World Leader I would definitely consider a success!
The site being able to ask you anonymous questions! There should be an option to disable questions that aren't from actual USERS.
Oh. Well as far as a partnership goes, the only way I could be World Leader in a partnership, would be if it was a relationship based one. I will need a 2.I.C. to handle things while I'm taking care of other business, but unless it's a relationship, I'm not sure a partnership would work. I had a potential 2.I.C. but she went missing a while ago. As for the Asians, I know a few nice ones, but most can't drive, but I don't hate them. :-/
I plan on running a fair system of government. One where everyone is treated as equal and no-one will be without care or proper medical attention and other such basic needs. I am always looking to increase my minion numbers. Now if you're talking about a partnership, that all depends on the type of partnership.
Most likely the Samsung Galaxy Note 4?
What school do YOU go to?
Me, take a bullet? See, I knew people were planning a revolt of my Plot for Total World Domination. Why else would you ask such a question. Fact of the matter is though, if I knew taking the bullet would actually save the other person's life. Then there's a few I would take it for. And some I'd take it for even if I didn't know it would save them.
Who am I? I will be your future world leader when my plot for Total World Domination becomes a reality. I thank you for your support! :-)
Someone I can't be with.
Why do You test me so?