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egyptian pyramids by ice cold
Yup. Im still waiting for them to say something to me. But of course, they won't.
:P I know. Whatever. Some people, eh?
It's alright Emily, Sorry but thanks for letting me know
Tell me on facebook then, and stop hiding. Otherwise I'll just take it as a joke :P
haha thanks man :)
What? What exactly am i supposed to be dealing with? and what am i pulling?
Coolest? Idk, I know a lot of cool girls. I can name a few? I don't think I can narrow it down... Probs Rhiannon, Meghan, Julia, and Sabbie? If I have to? Idk.
When people are wrong but are 99% sure they are right so they just fight or when people make something huge out of something little
none, i have one.
I don't understand how i'm over reacting, I'm simply answering questions... It's not me who isn't letting it go.
if you want it, pm me. I'm not posting it to an anonymous person on a public site.
When and what did i say? pm me, this is either Lewis or Brenden. Pm me.
If you know me at all, you know I accept anyone and everyone. Doesn't mean I have to put up with her bull all the time and be ok with everything she does.
Why I am? ME? what? All i've done is not talk to her, how is that drama?
That's what I've done. It's annoying how she's the one threw me away, yet she tries to tell people I was just being rude and took it too far, but I only ever said anything mean after she had done the damage. But whatever, I have the messages to prove anything i need to.
Of course this is just my side of the story, so obviously it's biased (even though i'll try not to be) but basically she was in a bad mood one day, and then decided that i wasn't a good friend, and in fact i was distracting her from Lewis. She continued by saying if i speak to Lewis anymore it'll make things worse and then she blocked me on facebook. That's the gist of it. So after that, I messaged Lewis just saying the truth. That she is two-faced, a liar, and a very manipulative girlfriend. She couldn't handle it so she hates me for "lying" and saying mean things.
Fix things? I did nothing. We may have been once, but she ruined that. I'm done being the one to fix things.
I don't really feel like I should say it.
always <3
Letting someone leave before they knew how much they meant to me.
More water please Meg
I know, that's why all i said was "?"
Yeah, of course...
Love. Money means nothing to me really. I'd rather be loved than be rich.
Kody Canning. Haven't talked to him in forever though.
I won't regret it :P
I know i'm not! :P
Whoever it is i just want to know, i could care less if it's someone messing with me or even if it's not, just tell me...
What is there to be scared of?
Thank you :)
Thank you. Really appreciate stuff like this :) hope you have a great night.
Thank you! if this person would just message me it's not like i'll broadcast it everywhere if they don't want me to. I'm just curious as to who is sending me that. I realize this is an anonymous site but obviously this person wants to tell me so just do it!
How come?
costs a lot, and i only ever wanted to go to make someone else happy but i can't so no point. I'm not much of a partier/dancer and i'd really just rather hangout with my friends that aren't going that night than go.
yeah im just not that interested in going right now.
just message me
You can't get anywhere being shy, just message me
I don't think so.
Message me then
Doesnt matter now :P
Sorta. Didnt work our
myself mostly.
I don't even know who this is xD But thank you and yeah I am going :)
and yeah i know that's why i've decided im just going to go! I want to have fun with my friends regardless of if i have a date or not :D
Who is this?
Yep! With or without anyone. I feel like it's something I need to do
As soon as you realize it's one way then it's time to stop trying so hard for someone who isn't doing the same. It's hard to do but it'll save you a lot of time and troubles.
I don't even think I have a nickname. It's just Liam.
I want to live long enough to see that I matter to the people around me and to know that I made a difference in someone(s) life
did you not already ask this?? ask her? we are...
yeah. why wouldn't we be?
Haven't talked to her much but she's very nice and outgoing. Lots of respect!
LOL well, it's just supposed to be funny :D
whatever makes you happy is what makes you successful
Like.... id say at minimum an 11
Just got my first smartphone like 2 months ago so idk
Well hello cas!
Nah I'm most likely going to hang out with my other friends who aren't going and just do something fun with them!
Most of my friends are ya
I cant take an anonymous person
Nope, i don't think so
Almost couldnt do my math culminating project
pretty friggin' awesome! got 4 more next week!
Yes, i am
I have no comment. If it's him, he's got real issues, but I really hope it's not him. If you have proof that it is him then tell me, otherwise stop accusing him.
Thanks! I will ;)
What? Who are you
Im on spare
Well thanks :P
I avoid boring people so it's too hard to name someone
Just a few of my friends but I think its ok now
erm, what?
hmmm.... I would have to say.... Maybe Starcraft, or on a completely different note Pokemon Stadium
My bb or any of the booties and of course my family
Hmmm... that's a tough one. I would have to say. .. no
no... why? lol
booties are 5ever
yes, of course, who doesn't?
it's not a single person. It's my close friend circle, aka, the booties.
;-; I love my bb too! My bb will 5ever be my bb, nobody can replace her.
Is he really? Who is this and how do you know
You have such a way with words. Of course!
I thought so too; pretty sure it's just one of my friends pranking me, which is why i want them to message me. 2 scenarios, 1: it's a friend in which case i laugh and they make fun of me, or it's a girl...
you're a little party pooper