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lmao not sure what I'm supposed to reply to that! Lol ay Minki
The one whose name appears first in my contacts list
They're pretty sick. Cool to chill with
(I KNEW Someone was gonna ask this!! mxm)
Eh! Eh! You can't expect me to answer that!
They're both awesome.. Now stop tryna make trouble! hmmpf
I do not have any depressing statues on BBM :) #LearnToSpell
Most of them are songs. And no! My life is great!
I really don't know... I think it's coz they haven't gotten to know me... Those close to me, will know that the exact opposite is true
Sjoe that's a deep one! Only one person could ask this question...but I won't expose ;)
Mostly I feel that my friends have my back, and will stand by my with whatever I decide..
Most of them!
Most of them have the ability to be nice... but a lot of them just choose not to be.. A lot of them are cool to be around..
I am Loud