You are becoming such a great young man linden, you are doing so well! I miss you heaps kiddo :)
ps: i hope you know who this is assuming im the only one that calls you kiddo
Yess I know who this is ! Keen to catch up its been a while !
Plans for the new year ?
**** *****es
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
Cory sanders
Best ex youve had?
No one !
How long would you like to live for?
Forever !
Get new glasses man you look like a f*****
Cool story
The best movie so far in 2014?
Wouldn't have a clew tbh
Ex's you would take back?
How was your first kiss like ?
You're actually been getting more and more attractive every day for the last couple months
Oh you think so :') that's nice who's this ? I want to know
Your source of happiness?
Skids, riding and driving
Paige is alright
If she want your **** then give it to her
Um nah I have respect for my mates! One of my closest mates exs so I'll give it a miss I'm sure something will come around for me one day that's nice and fresh
lol bull****.
I'm okay then **** head
Do you like like paige ?
No why?
How much is enough money for you?
Enough is when I have everything I have ever wanted
Do you have a girl now?? She pre cute bud !
Nah haha whys that man, she's taken
We look sahh hawt in the photos from last night hahaha PaigeeEliesha
Haha you recon !
The greatest moment in your life ?
Leaving p-12
Linden i miss you heaps kiddo :(
Do you ?
Thoughts on jazz
Nice caring and used to be close, don't know what to say exactly
Thoughts on senard ali
Top bloke ! Always up for a good time, pretty good mates with him I'd have to say, and it's Senad
What do you think about the most?
My future
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
Not saying, she is a babe though
Cory will probably ditch ash for you man!
Maybe, you have your opinion
He hasn't got long till he can get his ps I bet you and him will be going cruising every weekend!
No he doesn't! And yeah hopefully
What you doing for corys 18?
Going away for the week end
Who do you think it is? We used to be very close :)
I miss you so much kiddo, we used to be so close but now so distant, wish things were how they used to be! Hope you are enjoying life....
Yeah need to catch up if t think this is who I think it it ;)
What is your mother's name?
What do you think of fat girls, do you find them attractive...and i mean like, Rebel Willson fat, not Adele fat.
Cures yes rolls no !
What is the one thing you think people hate about you?
Probably most things
You miss Jess's butt?
I miss Jess in General
Thoughts on Cory Sanders. ?
Best guy out there ! My best mate, we have our moments but alway stuck to one another ! Wouldn't know what to do with out him! Love him like a brother
Thoughts on Jade Diaz?
Your fav person on the street ;)
Awsome chick! Nice friendly and always cheerful! Miss how close we used to be
Thoughts On Sarah Ryan??
Good to talk to and nice
If you could live with one person who would it be?
Travis pastrana!
Thoughts on Jess Mahon? hehe
Top chick! Miss her but
Who do you trust the most?
Cory sanders
That thing that irritate you about your friend?
Nothing best kid out !
Why do you flirt with me but when I start hinting *ex you always stop replying
Well if I knew who it was I would have a better idea but yeah, I hardly ever stop a conversation