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Just say pleeeeeeeeese °̩ am not going 2 eat or kill u *rotfl* do °̩ have u on bbm ?
May °̩ ask who is this
Not that his irritating but °̩ don't like mark sauls. Plz ping me
Its no big. D may °̩ ask who is this ?
°̩ would say its Xzill, because he irritates me so much
My best friend is Jamie :) , °̩ imagine buying her ā huge gift for her coming birthday
No, and °̩ don't even think that's ā Q
That's ā very hard Q 2 answer but °̩'d rather be ā hobo 4 1 day, and my reason 2 that is presidents work hard and some of them get hated so °̩ wouldn't like that. Where is if °̩ be ā hobo sometimes °̩ get money and food 4rm people who are nice 2 me. Lol
°̩'d say its between Gugu & Jamie but if °̩ had 2 choose one °̩'d say its Gugu :)
°̩'d do it for my mother °̩ have ā strong relationship with my mother :) and + besides that she's my mother
That's a hard question 2 answer coz I don't know u ? Your name is ...
I am wearing my Redbat tshirt, shorts.. And all star y ?
Ncooh.. LuVv u 2 :).. Miss u tho'
Well I certainly have nothing 2 tell u.. U know almost everything bout me :)