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6 Replies

Thoughts on HJ Hazzav*****

There stupid

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3628 days ago

Do you like mikaela ?? I wish you liked me though

No I don't like mikaela I like food

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3629 days ago

Thoughts on Monica g

Nice girl and a good friend

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3629 days ago

Thoughts on mikaela ?? harry.bugden

Great girl

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3629 days ago

Thoughts on Vanessa p

Nicest girl and such a good friend

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3629 days ago

Your a good looking guy, but why do you only talk to one group of girls when there are so many others?

I don't just talk to them haha, inbox me whoever you are

Thomas.knorr99 replied 3629 days ago