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Generally food but sometimes the odd book...
Um, yaaa
cool chick
ooooh, all together or 1 by 1?
Who is this argh!! I will if u chat me!
Ah, yes.
What about it? Chat me.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Not this again!
Yup ;)
IDK! It wouldn't go well =/
no-one <3 sorry =)
Nature blessed you hun x
Yes! already said.
They are my friends now, and perhaps, i don't know =D
Haha. xx
Not really, WAIT, all your friends?!?!?
Erm, she's amazing. No comment, i might break poor sammies heart. Wouldn't want that now would we xx
Sorry, no can do. No idea who that is =D
No, i\'m just saying that if you follow what your p**** is saying you MIGHT get Pu**y, but if you follow you heart, you WILL find love. It\'s another way of looking at a guys actions. xx
Guys always ask if girls are hot but they should get to know a wide range of girls, not just the hot ones. You're not going to get anywhere if you go for the girl with the prettiest face - which is what i mean by guys following their Dic*s- I also said "all girls are beautiful" i'm not taking back from that comment because whether their appearance is beautiful or not, the know what they know, they like what they like and they are not necessarily so unlike you.
haha, most amazing person ever, i love her so much, 2 of the same question =D xx
Beautiful, amazing listener, just everything is perfect, i love her so much! xx
very well =P
Ily more ella but hannah still wins x
keen babe? xx
Whoever you are your a Dic*, it's kinda funny because i respect gays because i know the kinda crap they have to go through because of the crap i have received over a stupid rumour.
It's okay Hannah <3 what are you doing after school days? Shopping Sat, Dying Sunday?
Bang on, i'm getting another op because i'm now starting to use really tiny holds, like the width of a pencil... and that's starting to get a little painful. Hopefully i'll be able to drum too!!
I know them from New Caladonia. Yes, every girl is beautiful, guys need to stop following their Dic*s.
OMG Aleisha, she's amazing. Awesome foursome all the way. We need to do more together!
IDK!!! they are all great xx
Haven't really met her yet, seems nice and kinda talkative.
Besties don't date, sorry xx
Who's this, and thanks <3
haha, yea.
Sunday. =)
Ok, i'll be honest. Yes.
Aww, cute!
all you xx
Dear haters, i am deleting ur shi*.
no... =(
Wellington College.