Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
What is the true purpose of our existence?
What is this thing you call dating?
Haha, yes! Who needs a controller anyway? :P
I have wicked dance skills :D
I wouldn't say broken, I'd say more disappointed.
Whether I do or not is a secret within itself.
What is sleep?.. I die at night then miraculously come back in the morning; makes life more interesting...
It's a secret, shhhhh.
Disrespect and extreme ignorance.
My close friends. I would even take a bullet for a normal friend if in turn they would be saved.
Thank you so much for these kind words, things like this never fail to brighten my day! I try my best to be nice and respectful to others, and to have someone acknowledge that is just awesome :) I wish I knew who sent this though, that way I can express my gratitude; people like you deserve to be thanked, because taking the time to show kindness like this to others is phenomenal.
No, love can never be bought; it is one of the most treasured things a human can ask for, and can only be acquired through fate, destiny, or whatever you believe; not through the likes of money. I actually wonder how many people said yes to this, Question of the Day?..
Well, that would be awesome; but I know I'm not that likeable (in that way); I'm just the other guy, often a third wheeler :P, or someone you can bring your problems to in order to see them fixed, as well as knowing they are kept safe with the power of trust. Other than that, I just keep to myself and try to be as nice to everyone as I can, unless you do something so bad to see the angry side of Thomas :P
I don't think I have to :P
Shakespeare's Macbeth.. man it is going to be a bad english term.
qooh me is terrible with determining what actually needs to be censored.
I think I might adopt a child. Why bring another life into the world when there is one, who is the result of poor decisions or unfortunate cir***stances with the actual parents, yet can receive much needed support and love that can be provided by a loving adoptive parent(s).
I'm just going to wait and see where life will take me; I might not ever be liked or loved, or whatever we teenagers call it today. I may or may not like someone, do with that info as you will. However, if I did like someone, I would only do something about it if they liked me, otherwise it would become pointless; I have learnt from experience. By the way, there is only a few people I know with this writing style... If you are someone I know, I don't mind it if you ask me personally :P
I find it pretty hard to lie about something.
there is quite a bit I wouldn't do for a million dollars. The task would have to be reasonable to consider it.
Everything I'm not good at....
I don't know, I am yet to have someone truly like me back to take that into consideration.
When It's Love - Van Halen
Being able to make anything out of thin air, imagine that, my whole life would be set! I would have created a dream home, with a dream car, with all my food and supplies needed for life; heck, if I was lazy in creating things, I could just create money, and no one could tell the difference. having this power would be awesome, because it grants you access to other powers! Want to be invisible? Create an invisibility cloak! Want to fly? Make a freaking jet! If you think you might crash that jet, make it with super protective precautions. Want to manipulate time? Create a special watch! Want super strength? Create an exosuit. Hate sitting in traffic? Make a hover car, or better yet, a teleportation device. The possibilities are endless!
no one, forever alone :'P
hmm, well, I would like to think Christie, Stevie, Chelsea, and Lacey. They are the girls I talk to the most at least. I also like to consider myself as a friend to anyone who doesn't mind me in there presence I guess :P. As for outside of school, I don't really know anyone, so I couldn't tell you.
Well, that one is easy; in no particular order Wyatt, Bailey, and Aaron. :D But I would also like to think I am also friends with many others as well :)
F-150 SVT Raptor
Someone I hold closest to my heart... plus best friends and family :P
Good question Anon, Well, to start I am not a follower of any religion; I believe that the world and your life is what you make of it and that life is simply a roller-coaster of choice, chance and outcome. I do however think there is something more to our earth and existence than just a big bang, and this is where I typically don't like the idea of religion; because it could be anything, but religions have their own do***ents telling you its a specific "higher being," like god. Not to mention that these do***ents are only a compilation of stories from many different people; written over hundreds of years. How come we are no longer able to add to these stories? Was there a set cut off date and now the churches and temples consider it blasphemy if you attempt to make up another story, or you can't add in on it because there is no proof, due to the fact that the society we live in now needs that of adequate evidence for anything? Now don't get me wrong; I respect nearly everyone who follows religion, if you do, chances are I know and you for who you are and what you believe; as it is a form of communication between you and that of a "higher power," and it provides reassurance in tough times. Religion is basically a tool you are able to use when you need it; it is a form of belief that is widely known and is considered one of the more important things in life, as religion apparently sets you up for life in the present, future, and when the time is up. However, I don't like it when religion is over-done, an example can be that of Jehovah witnesses; they give up everything, just because they read a story, and the fact that they come knocking at your door to try and get you to join them by shoving their beliefs down your throat and donating to them is absolutely absurd. I can assure you that the money that goes to them is not donated to their "higher power." Your belief should come to you naturally, mine doesn't follow that of religion. If we got everyone's beliefs together, who weren't religious, there would be so many more religions than what there is already. In short, I don't really like the whole concept of religion. I understand and respect the fact that is is used as a very valuable tool in peoples' lives and that people should be respected, no matter what their religion; that is not what bothers me. It is the many strange stories that don't seem to add up, the religion "over-doers" and the fact that it all goes back to an all mighty creator, and if you believe in anything else it is wrong (depending on the belief and/or religion). But hey, that is only what I think. Don't hate on me please, I was only saying what I feel, hence the question. :)
well, only the people who were with me at the time know about this... It was with a balloon, lets just say the whole ordeal blew up in my face :P
Thank you so very much :) It's nice to know that I put out a positive vibe, that is what I aim for; to brighten everyone's day =D
Thank you for that anon; but it's okay, they have stopped for now I believe.
don't feel like you shouldn't have thought anything, because every bit of support counts, and it goes to show how much more love there is in the world rather than hate :)
Why Thank You =D
Thank you for your support :) But I think that whole ordeal is over for now; I forgive them, but they shouldn't go out of their way to do it again to me or anyone else; that's just getting to the point where it becomes inexcusable.
You are Random, but Awesome! :)
who even cares? The system is corrupt anyway, It'll probably be worth nothing soon.
Wow, thankyou :), I think the person might have just had a bad day and felt like they needed to pick on someone, so I try not to take anything to heart. Thankyou for your awesome support :)
Haha, Oh God... :P
that is probably true to :P
well I don't quite remember that part.
I think we might be on the same page then; but what are you talking about with the spider?
well, maybe we are definitely on the wrong page!
Thank you very much Joseph. Your respect and amazing morals that you show to everyone is certainly something that will never go unnoticed. I appreciate your very kind words. It is true that people say hurtful things as you could see, but the best way to deal with it is to take it, and know that you can't please everyone. Thank you Again Joseph for your very kind words :)
haha, maybe you are on the same page :p
sorry lachlan, I think you are thinking about something completely different :P
When we went on the year 8 hiking trip and camp out. I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life with my best mate Bailey :)
Thankyou Anon, I just assume someone was just having a bad day with me; or they just don't like me. Either way, it is nice to know people like you, Lacey and others that think otherwise; to know that I am not that terrible. thankyou :)
Thanks Lacey :) I appreciate your kindness! Maybe the person who said those words is just having a bad day. I forgive them, because I'm not perfect. But it is a bit hurtful. The way I see it, you can't please everyone.
It is a little hurtful, but its okay. It's my life, so I have nothing other to do than take it and try and get over it :/
Below states that I don't think I'm amazing; but don't you think you are being a little rude and hurtful?
well, this is a tough one, because I have never really thought about myself being considered amazing that much. I'll sometimes go out of my way to have a joke with friends and say sarcastically that I am amazing; but to be honest, I don't really think highly of myself. I do what is required of me and I look out for those who are within my life. I am grateful to have friends, friends like you, best friends that I'm sure you are aware of on who they are, and people who are just generally closer to me. I guess you could say that one thing that stands out amongst the boring person I can be is the fact that I can listen and keep what is said safe. I make it my responsibility to make sure everyone is happy :)
haha :) Thank you!
:) Thank you, it means a lot! But surly someone has a question to ask rather than a statement :P
It's okay anon, someone doesn't like me; we can't please everyone.
I only know a few people who call me "thommy..."
I'm sorry, if you have a problem with me, maybe you should talk about it with your friends and people you care about; if you have any. However, talking like that isn't going to get you very far....
Thankyou so very much; this truly made my day :) Don't feel the need to say things like this anonymously; because then I can know who the kind hearted person you are, is. You, are really awesome and thank you for making my day! :)
Give me a moment to think about that.
Gymnastics. Can you imaging me trying to do all those back-flips and front flips! Forget it!
haha, thankyou :P , their only brown and I was only exaggerating for a bit of fun; but I'll accept that :)
thank you so very much =)
Thank you!!! I am honored to be seen like that in someone's eyes. It truly means a lot!
Wow, thank you so much! things like this truly brighten my day and make me feel like more than what I usually feel I am :)
Thank you Kate =), feeling the love.
Another One Bites The Dust, Queen
I'm sorry? I have no clue what you are asking :P if it is my age I'm 16
The fact that they are going to have to just deal with whatever it is that is bothering them without me getting worked up about it.
It's just something on the side for when bordem kicks in. Nothing really, just want to see if anyone has any questions they want answered.
You know, you guys behind the question of the day scheme must have some pretty boring ideas to make this the question of the day...
Thank you so much :) Confidence boosts like this really make my day =D
What the hell are you doing here? Space time continuem could fail any moment now!
are you kidding me QOTD? in this weather, boardies and a t-shirt, I'm going to jump in my pool now.
We are all unique people in our own ways, and we are drawn to people who we share similarites to. Friendships are the biggest thing you can have during school and so these groups are formed. Now, different groups can draw more attention than other groups; but we all believe in our own groups as being the most important to us, at least, that is what I believe. So in the end, I don't look for the popularity in groups, or how much attention they produce, but more so the inderviduals that make up that group.
that these questions of the day are a waste of my time.
I really don't know; different people have different opinions.
I like cheese very much :)
Someone who accepted me for who I am, someone with an amazing personality and a good heart :)
Peace of Mind
I really don't know, I guess it would be nice; but at the same time, I'm fine being single as well.
me :)
Let's get this party started.... Ha, no
smile and agree with everything a women says, even if you think otherwise :P
I know I said I would answer anything, but within reason. I don't particularly feel comfortable telling others on who I liked; especially when I know they didn't like me in the same way. So, sorry if I don't answer these types of questions with a direct answer. If you want,, you can always inbox me :)
no, but if I did; why would I share it on this site?
I would like to think that we go into an endless dream; or maybe we are in the dream and we simply wake up...
I couldn't really tell you. I don't really hang out that much with that crowed; and even if I did, I wouldn't want to single anybody out.
Thank you so much; things like this really mean the world to me :) :) I truly appreciate the kind words :)
When you know you have helped someone with something, especially emotionally helping someone.
Thank you :)
I would question of the day.
Haha, thank you very much :)
nope, being single is probably better :P, These questions are really annoying by the way.
hahahaha, oh the question of the day, what will they come up with next...