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Tiarna ✌


Ask me Questions mate

147 Replies

What do you have no time for?


Tiarna43 replied 3233 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

Fj cruiser

Tiarna43 replied 3240 days ago

What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?

My bed?

Tiarna43 replied 3244 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Its 12.09am and so far its pretty boring. i need some interesting sht to happen

Tiarna43 replied 3262 days ago

eat my butthole **** xx jk love you

Jesus christ. Love ya too but fck me dead.

Tiarna43 replied 3263 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

I stood on a paper slicer

Tiarna43 replied 3264 days ago

What do you not feel like doing today?

Eating ahhaa

Tiarna43 replied 3268 days ago

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

Destroy the existence of all spiders

Tiarna43 replied 3271 days ago 1

What are you obsessed with?

Luke bryan lol

Tiarna43 replied 3272 days ago 1

When was the last time you got angry and why?

Today, cause fathers

Tiarna43 replied 3274 days ago 1

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Hot boys who come into work ??

Tiarna43 replied 3275 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Magic mike xxl movie made me real fcking happy

Tiarna43 replied 3279 days ago 2

Who is your best friends

Lacey, Ryan, and Josh probs

Tiarna43 replied 3281 days ago 1

How did you meet your bestfriend ?


Tiarna43 replied 3282 days ago

Who do people always say you look like?

A model

Tiarna43 replied 3285 days ago