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gotta live the siq lyfe

38 Replies



TiffSaho replied 2996 days ago 1

Sharni is so cute

Aw ask her out then

TiffSaho replied 2996 days ago 1

What or who are you obsessed with right now?


TiffSaho replied 3006 days ago 1

Did you and Liam break up

Wot no

TiffSaho replied 3007 days ago 1

I love you

Youre not liam, fk off

TiffSaho replied 3008 days ago 1

Hey tiff dont you just love the power of ip tracing, its really interesting the people you find sending hateful qoohs, im really starting to hate people with names that start with "B". Lol B for b!tch aye. i feel sorry for that particular person liamjelic134

I reckon

TiffSaho replied 3008 days ago 1

Its ok tiff, that person hating is depressed with their own life which is why they result to cowardly hating on someones qooh me behind anon. Siqs a bit gay? ? Righto r3tard u keep being a kool kid. Love u tiffy x liamjelic134

So spot on, love u too x

TiffSaho replied 3018 days ago 1

That's a bit fkn gay Luv

Hating behind anon? Thats a bit fkn sad luv

TiffSaho replied 3018 days ago 1

What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?

The notebook and its amazingg

TiffSaho replied 3020 days ago

What were you not prepared for?


TiffSaho replied 3027 days ago 1

why is your sister so hot

U tell me

TiffSaho replied 3039 days ago 1

Why aren't you famous?

Cause Liam thinks im a f**...

TiffSaho replied 3056 days ago 1



TiffSaho replied 3056 days ago 1

Do u like turbans baby? ;)

Hey Limahu

TiffSaho replied 3095 days ago 1

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

I don't believe that there is a god so idk

TiffSaho replied 3100 days ago 1