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First off all learn ur grammar it's they're. Second, u disgust me! Just because of someones se*uality you want to have them killed? Well you don't like 1D and that disgusts me should I shoot u?? YEAH SO f*** OFF
so what if they do f*** each other up the as* hole? What do u have against gays?
it's one DIrection...but i'll forget you said that becoz u obviously don't know anything! anyway........HAVE U SEEN THERE FACES? Whats not to love? and when niall horan cocks his eye brow... THERE VOICES AND JUST.....................EVERY, f***ING, THING! Attracts me to them!!!!!!
Sorry but can I just ask....who are you and what right do u have to be judging me?
A christian or something? Just coz I'm christian dosn't mean i'm an animal! And I know I sound like a slu* I just got caught up in the wrong crowd thats all btu i'm working to change...
Yeah but it dosn't matter coz he dosn't like me soooo....might as well get ova it
whoa whoa whoa whoa...hold up! First of all piss off....Go bully someone eles and second of all no I wont change my profile picture so shut your face!!
wait a second I am not gonna put up with this shi* from you or from anyone! If your gonna bully someone online then at least have the guts to show ur face!
Umm how about f*** off! I\'l make a deal with you, I\'ll change my profile picture if stop being a selfish ****! Yeah didn\'t think so!
Excuse me but who the f*** are you to judge me when you said yourself you\'ve never even met me? FWI I am not a 12 year old *****! So go f***ing bully someone ur own size Bit**!
OMG LAUREN!!! HEYY GURL HEYY! Anyways well she's AMAZING! She's pretty and funny and pretty and O.M.G! I LUFF HER!!!!.....................................CAAAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOTTTTTS
Umm yeah....wait who is u?
No one i'm forever alone!!
i don't know who u r and I'm not a slu* but I wouldn't f*** a horse coz thats wrong but yunno....
that is so sad...she was so strong to do that though
I don't know coz I don't know u.
Ya mums Pu**y LOL Jks jks but not much
i'm not hobo and not much aii bordem lol