Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Because I'm a sicko
not knowing
Aw thank you :) unfortunately that is a question I cannot answer as I didnt even believe it to be true
My name is Sam, Sam I am
Umm lesbehonest here... I do not think I share your feelings
Wow ease up turbo
omg you are such a **** as*
None... they can all go s*ck a ****
The excessive amount of drama...
Oliver :P
Other than the normal gist of guys that get mentioned when this question is asked im going to say that I think Matt is quite up there
Babe! He's a darl and we both get along really well :) I love our lil' friendship
In honesty everyone has their own opinion and I dont think looks should define somebody :) so I wont, even though it's just a little question. Sorry for being difficult :P
I don't know, there is quite a long list ;)
eh don't even get me started...
This fab guy called Dave Randall :)
i can't, Im completing two assignments :( I miss you too
No not really
Exams are the friday before and the tuesday through to the following friday and I really need to study :/
That's a tricky one, there's two that I would consider to be the cutest :)
coming up soon, Im so keen
Ahahaha um thank you
Ahahaha frienddddd :)
When people lie, manipulate and betray my trust
Umm I'm not sure I'm so close with quite a few... Ollie, Mitch, Matiss, Alex, Keith and all the boys from my team :) sorry that's more than five :p
Ask me questions and you'll get answers :)
I don't see why not
Im sorry, but Im unsure as to who this is...
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure why as I'm not so sure as to who this is... :)
What... Did you look in the mirror ;)
But you're not a girl.... You're my top 10 alpine boys all in one :') Ahahahah xxx
Really? Do tell who because as far as I know I didn't
Sameeee here! Xx
I think you need to stop stalking me
I'm sorry who are you
Do I know you...
AHAHHAHAHAHA! Omg that's perfff :') please inbox me or text me!
Umm they're able to make me laugh/ make me happy and really just put up with me :p
Go for many adventures :p
Thank you xx
Of courseeeee
That's really sweet, I think you should inbox me xx
To be honest I still consider everybody to be my best friends even if they don't feel the same way :)
My teddy bear, it just sits there all day every day
wow.... didnt your mother ever tell you not to lie?
Ahahah dayum straight ;) you and Benny boy made life the definition of perffff :*
It's to hard they're all such fabulous guys...
Loser* ;) and thank you that is muchly appreciated
I love you, like a love song bby
Please be more specific...
No I only wank sorry. Advice; I think you should consult somebody more experienced
Ahahaha thank you
Honesty they are all gorgeous girls who are able to express their individuality comfortably, however we are all drifting apart as we go through high school, which is quite sad.
muchly appreciated
wash your clothes and have a shower
Your face makes me giggle ;) xx
Inbox me and you'll find out :)
Im sorry I don't follow…. :/
You ***** ;) omg you actually scared me
We can't wait to see you beautiful <3 xxxxxxxxxx
Look, I hold no ill will or bad feelings towards anyone that I have liked or dated, they should not be ashamed whatsoever. I'm serious, inbox me I'd like to know who this is and what your on about.
This is Meg, and I don't understand this cause I've never been 'ill treated' but if you wanna discuss this feel free to inbox me xoxo
Well thats very nice of him :P
No thank you :)
Omg no way! Stiles is much better being himself with his quirky perks, and i disagree, Scott is adorable. Yes Alison is perff but she's not there anymore and you need to move on ;)
Can you not. I don't associate with tossers
That kid, according to Meagan has a couple of snakes in his back yard ;) He is an absolute darl and we miss him and his deep voice dearly. We can't wait to see him these holidays <3
Anybody really, we all deserve to live a full life