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Mmmmm! It wud depend!
I lost count!! Think i nw knw wuz bhind diz questions!! Gat ya!
Hey am not da typ of a person wo fynds pleasur in talkin bwt othr pipos busineses i knw iget poky samtyms buh me gat limits! So sory cant tel ya*
Non of the above!
mmmm! Ya she z lov her colour!
to be honest witchu i wud rison bein sh female buh i dnt hav a crush on her i jst see hr as a fwend beside sh ma fwends mistress(galfriend)!!.
Do u rily wanna knw?
Ryt nw me single tryn 2b more care wit wo 2fal in love wit jst wana put an end 2 dis drama of playin around!!
Ya i did!
Ya cant lie 2 say av nevr! Av done dat be4 nw dat was a longtym ago buh nw i hate p*rn muvis, stoppd doin such!!
As far as i can remembr only onece nd it waz bwt a month aftr i complitd wen sh sed she cudnt stand em rumorz bwt me whic wer flokin in lyk hot cakes!!4rm de gosiprz pa sku!!
iwe diva is'nt pregnant wo tod u?
Nah! Julie waz ma kaclassmate we nevr dated besides wat type of a couple wud dat be tipsy na juliet it cant!
Honestly hw do espect Tipsy 2 answr dat wen u appear anonymous atleast if u mek ya self knwn nu me!!u c! Reveal yaself i tel u weda u hot ar nat!
Go thru ma profile u find watchu wana knw!!
Aint in any serious relationship curently gues me stil lukin 4dat one true love wo wil take me 4wo i b!!
Okey thre z a bit of same truth in dis bur hey me nd her nevr broke up,we jst stoppd seein each othr!
Da rumor bwt me dat isnt true z dat me da one responsibo mary's pregnancy ma ex'...
Tipsy,pretty nd playboish!