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Tom Simpson


If you don't like my answers then don't ask.

1.1k Replies

never change !!

Change never happens by choice,that's why it's called change...

Tom18 replied 2817 days ago

message me xo

Heaps know who you are

Tom18 replied 2818 days ago

hot or not
Melody n
Layla w
Helen s
Ingrid n
Heidi f


Tom18 replied 2818 days ago

Why are you single?


Tom18 replied 2818 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

when some people speak

Tom18 replied 2922 days ago 1

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?

I can't ever imagine a year going any worse

Tom18 replied 2967 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

School but you know she left me a different one so

Tom18 replied 2979 days ago

Tell me something positive..

Everything improves with time

Tom18 replied 2987 days ago

What will your child's name be ?

Titus Kavanagh Simpson

Tom18 replied 2987 days ago

Emma graham
Winni graham
Maggie coombs
Jessica stevenson
Shelby heatly


Tom18 replied 2991 days ago

What's the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

My cousin (male) plucking his eyebrows

Tom18 replied 2997 days ago

What's it like to be you?

Absolutely fûckin hilarious :)

Tom18 replied 2999 days ago

si no eres español por qué hablarlo

Maybe learn proper Spanish before you try and be a smart A$$

Tom18 replied 3004 days ago 1

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

Fresh start

Tom18 replied 3005 days ago

Fav year 9 and 10s at newy


Tom18 replied 3007 days ago 1