What have you lied about lately ?
Ya mums ****
Who are you dating?
Ya mums cûnt
definition of a *****~
female dog or Ella Schauble
Wtf ur just jelly that u not as good as her!
How much do u like Ella??
If u treat Tom like **** then he is gonna treat u like ****! So f.ucking get lost
True that
Sorry making and no! That's my first comment
Ok cool! Now u can get fûcked
Just bloody leave Tom alone! He is better than all the year 7 boys! And leave Ella out of this to, she can date whoever she wants and you can't do anything about it! So just piss off and don't come back onto Toms qooh me ever again
Thanks they r getting really annoying but it's kinda funny aha!
I hope all these mean comments are actually maki you realise how much of a **** you are Ella deserves way better!
Maki?? And just shut up u say the same thing all the time! Ella can be with whoever she wants!
Whoever you are just piss off! Leave Tom alone! :)
Thanks anon!
You seriously need to consider other peoples feelings because you think your so cool with all your smart as* comments thinkin it doesn't hurt people when you actually put people in tears!
Who r u? U must cry easy u sook!
Okay anon this is getting way out of hand! You say one more f u c k I n g rude thing about Ella and you'll be hearing from me, and it won't be very f u c k I n g nice so get lost and no one wants you to ever come back to toms qoohme! T.rose1
Fanks neaks
Ella is a ****!
No she's not! Just piss off! And I know who this is!
That wank! Ella is beautifuller, more beautiful than any year 7! She's way prettier than brylee and Paris! And idc if you tell them I said that anon! So go and get f u c k e d and leave my two favs alone.. And annoy someone else!! T.rose1
Thanks heaps taneka!
Why do u even like Ella? She is so ugly
Get fûcked! That's why nobody likes u coz ur ugly! Any way it's ok to jelly of her!
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
do u think paris and brylee r hot?
hotter than paris and brylee?
do u think ella is hot?
The hottest !
y wheren't you at school?
To cool 4 school!
cute with:
Taneka-Trent. Mackie-tim. Matilda-Brady. Courtney-Nathan.d. Alice-Idc. Hayley bailey
do u wish u where still with Mackie?
Fûck that!
B*tchleave Tom alone.. He's not even nasty! You're the one who is nasty anon for writing all this ****! I think you should put your name on your comments, so we know who you are! Tom don't believe any of this ****, you're not like how they are saying! T.rose1
Thanks! Taneka !!:))))
Anon you better f u c k off before I come and find you, I'll actually punch you in the face.. Tom doesn't deserve this s h i t! Pretty please, actually no take that pretty please back, just f u c k off and leave Tom alone! T.rose1
Yeah u better be scared! Haha! Thanks taneka
Oh! So you were to scared to actually post the big long comment I wrote about how mean you actually are? I hope you took it to mind! Your words actually hurt, you think being a smart as is cool? Well it really isn't! Please just think about others for once.
Ok cool! I do think about others but obviously not u! There would be a reason why:)
Tom message me quick! T.rose1
Have you ever farted in public?
Yep who hasn't?
Do you wanna build a snowwww-mannnnn? T.rose1
I wanna eat a rainbow
**** sorry tom I forgot about calling you this morning! T.rose1
All gooood!
U going out with ella I hear ? ;)
Yeah i am. Great u can hear!
However is giving tom **** on qooh. me they need to get a life!! It is sad that some people have way to much time on their hands ;) HayleyJane281
Omg I didn't ask that down below, ahaha ;) HayleyJane281
Yeah I know! Hahs
Thought on Hayley wood
She's cool
Do you like Brady coz I reckon he's a f*****
Na Brady is awesome he's a good friend he's not a f***** ur a foggot!!
No, I'm not going away. Explain why you thought it was brady! Seriously mate you think ya so cool, but really ya not? So Tom get a life and use ya brain!
How about you use ur brain and piss off!
That f.uckong b.itch should piss off and leave you alone! T.rose1
They should! Thanks neeks
Haters gonna hate! W⚓ they are!:) T.rose1
How exactly do you know it was brady. He isn't the only guy that has a girlfriend. Think twice mate!
Go away obviously u have nothing better to do then be a f*****
Sure sure! It's so obviouse tho!
Who is this and just coz u to scared to talk to girls
Who do you like if it is not mackie then?
Why don't u like Mackie any more?
We'll no coz she dumped me
Do u still like mackie even tho she dumped you?
Cute with for;
Brady, Jake and Sam :)
Brady-Alice Jake-Ella Sam-belle
Thoughts on meeeee?:) T.rose1
Really nice one of my good friends great at sports!