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Ask or tell me anything you like

163 Replies

is 4 inches hard small?


Tonishia replied 3684 days ago

what if a guy premature ejaculates?


Tonishia replied 3684 days ago

One thing you like about yourself?

My as*

Tonishia replied 3771 days ago



Tonishia replied 3771 days ago

So ur actually sticking with one guy n not going for Kaitlyn or Christinas sloppy seconds? lol

AHAA! who even are you !?

Tonishia replied 3771 days ago

So its real with Brandon


Tonishia replied 3771 days ago

Wait till school starts he won't come near you sweetheart


Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

Hear you're anorexic why

AHA who are you

Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

Brandon will never treat you good once a player always a player

We are hitting three months of straight talking and hanging out almost everyday. And he's never ****ed up... So get your facts straight ***hole.

Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

You're a totally cutie tonishia wish we were together


Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

Can't believe you actually think BRANDON GLAZIER is loyal you're so stupid

Sorry but your opinion has no meaning to me... So you can **** off.

Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

Stop trying with him he's wheeling Alexis behind your back


Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

What's your natural hair color


Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

What do you want to be when your older

I'm moving out west right after grad to work there

Tonishia replied 3772 days ago

Why are you with him he's your ex boyfriends best friend

From what I know they don't talk... And I'm not with him cause he's my exes 'best friend' he's actually a loyal sweetheart.

Tonishia replied 3772 days ago