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Toni gunter


Ask me anything you like anonymously

120 Replies

School ?

Hate it. fcking hate the motherfcking sht out of it. fck. It's such bullsht.

Tonixgunter replied 2426 days ago

Ever saw a dck?


Tonixgunter replied 2430 days ago

I dare you to post a fully nude pic

I dont do sht for dares little child i do it because i want to. Lol its called "doing whatever the fck you choose"

Tonixgunter replied 2430 days ago

Are you a virgin?

Is anyone realy?

Tonixgunter replied 2430 days ago

What is BDSM ?

It's alot of diffrent things to diffrent ppl. It can be $exual or not $exual, there's stuff that involves pain yes but there's other things that are mainly about power exchange. It depends on what your into. Whatever sweetens your honey

Tonixgunter replied 2459 days ago

You drunk, lesbian, high mother fcker! Your a disgrace? the way you treat your body is disgusting! You have no self respect!

Clearly I have more self respect than you.

Tonixgunter replied 2462 days ago 1

What happened to you? ?

What happend to me?

Tonixgunter replied 2462 days ago

Do you hate it when people wear Nirvana t-shirts and don't even listen to them.

Yes. You can't represent something you know nothing about. It's simply disrespectful to those who are well knowleged on it

Tonixgunter replied 2462 days ago

Do you listen to kpop??? mimixk_25

I've tried it out but it isn't realy me cup of tea?

Tonixgunter replied 2463 days ago

Name your top three favourite rock band

Nirvana, seether, hole, otep, the cure. fck this is so hard lol i have so many? it depends on my mood

Tonixgunter replied 2463 days ago 1

i wish that we could meet

Sure we could, I love meeting new ppl.

Tonixgunter replied 2469 days ago

im grateful that im in this world at the same time as you
i know a bit of what you go through and id like to get to know you better
i love your creativity and passion for everything

Awww, thank you. There's alot of emotion that drives my passion and creativity, please feel free to dm me xx I'd love to chat♡

Tonixgunter replied 2469 days ago

you are so creative, beautiful: beautiful face, mind, personality, soul and body beautiful everything, you are creative, fun and kind

Thank you❤ you truely are a kind person, this made my day xx

Tonixgunter replied 2469 days ago

Do you have tattoos and if you do what are they and for what purpose did you get them??

I have 4 tattoos, thier all stick and poke. 2 are kinda fckups but I'm planning on getting covered. The other 2, well one is the Gemini sign because that's me star sign and the other is the nirvana smiley face and I got that one because it's been my favourite band for 9 years now. But In general tattoos just make me feel more confident in my body and allows me to express myself??

Tonixgunter replied 2469 days ago

Have you ever received unsolicited dck pics?

Yes? and I didn't even ask for em??

Tonixgunter replied 2471 days ago