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28 Replies

You write nice stuff on here ABout Sandee but when u qooh Deanna it's like u hate her

What she said to Deanna was wrong. No one deserves to be spoken too like that. I don't hate her.

Trinatee.99 replied 3348 days ago

If you could add a feature to what would that be?

No anon.

Trinatee.99 replied 3349 days ago

Thoughts xx Sandee33

Pretty asf, nice as, good to talk too, caring, cousin, mad to chill with. Miss youuu xx

Trinatee.99 replied 3349 days ago 1

What is your biggest success up until now?


Trinatee.99 replied 3451 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?


Trinatee.99 replied 3455 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?


Trinatee.99 replied 3457 days ago

Thoughts:))))) Swan_chhokar

Good to talk too, caring, always there for anyone, nice as, need to chill.

Trinatee.99 replied 3459 days ago

Thoughts.? Xx Stephanie.Jane

Really pretty, seem nice an good to be around, should start talking xxx

Trinatee.99 replied 3461 days ago 1

Thoughts xx Holleymcdonald

Pretty as, best eyes omg, good to talk too, caring, really nice, your perfect xxx

Trinatee.99 replied 3462 days ago 1

How much do you weigh?

Don't weigh myself

Trinatee.99 replied 3462 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

Idek ..

Trinatee.99 replied 3466 days ago

Thoughts xoxoxxoox deannacrifo

Omgg were do I start, I've known you for like ever, we stopped talking for a while but im glad we started talking again, your so beautiful an the funniest girl I know, best personality, you don't use people, always there for anyone, can cheer someone up in seconds, I know you have cheered me up millions of times, I'm so jealous of your eyelashes omg, there so long it's not even fair, prettiest smile, we have so many memories together, I remmeber when I was telling you how long my hair was an your like "tie it in a b*m" instead of "bun" HAHAHAHAHAHA never laughed so much. We have our ups an downs but we always get through it. You mean a lot to me. An too all you haters out there **** off an get over yourselves Deannas perfect!! I love you to the moon an back!! An miss you so much. We gotta chill soon okay xxxxx

Trinatee.99 replied 3472 days ago 1

The best song in 2014 for you ?


Trinatee.99 replied 3473 days ago

What did you get for christmas ?


Trinatee.99 replied 3475 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

My family an friends! <3

Trinatee.99 replied 3479 days ago