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Um... Nah mybe next tyme
Um... Jea, bt then... Me gettin ryt nw, even th0ugh i l0ve, jus wudnt b a g0od idea... Wudnt wana end up being in a bd situati0n wer by, im d8n m0\'nique n an0ther grl at the same tyme! U get me? Lyk, yes m m0vin on... N i rec0mend she d0es to0(jus nt wida dumb****) bt! Therez stl that thng 4 ha... Lyk th0se wer very well spent 3yrz... In sh0rt.. Um.. Mhmm, hai well therez n0 sh0rt way of sayin ths
Haha... Mhmmn, firz of al i lOo0o0vvVeEeE HA... She kn0ws it very well, bt! We br0ke up, or lemi say agreed to spilt up.. C0z of ths whle l0ng distance sh!t, and gettin bek 2geda, well in ma p0int of view.. Jus wudnt make thngz any beta(correct me if m wr0ng). Th0ugh i stil l0ve ha... Thatz da imp0rtnt part
Um... Damn! Datz a hard 1.. Nvr seen 1 lyk dis b4
We\'ve always been close ey... Nthn new there, th0ugh i admit i stl l0ve her madly, i dnt thnk im in a state 2 do sum.. So itz a fling.. A l0ng lastin mada****en fling:)
rnmind ifa ask, huz askin ths qstn... Hahaha, reali wana knw
Rcntly got out of a rlshnshp... Bt if i lykd any1 they wuld kn0w
H0w the rltnshp went... If it wer g0od then i wudnt mynd, bt if it wer full or stress... Then hai m nt that dumb.. Hahahaha. <rand0m th0ugh> nvm
Iz dat a trick qstn? #thnkn
Um... Jea dpndz th0ugh, sum of em na!
Ah. Ch!cken dawg u ****d up bra, lma0... I swear ur a reject 4m nand0s
0w i did? W0w i ddnt knw that... Hahaha, cute qstnz by da way..
If u knew me, n Ge0rge then u'd kn0w..
Jea, ey wudnt kill me... Hands0me!? C0ugh
The deputy n da principal h8 me, s0o0...
G0od qstn wr0ng pers0n... Ask ur ch?ck
Pshtt.. I wudnt have a six pack nw wud i
tall dark n skiny
the fact that i dnt have a six pack