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88 and 11 seconds?
Go jump in a lake?
Lol that's so cool who cares
No there won't be any old bread ?
Lol come here come taste it ??
Enough to break a machine
Autocorrect lol
That my spit is black magic lmao
Ugly colour nail polish?
Lol sweet but who are you anonymous
What kinda question is that
Thank you for the thought.. handsome isn't everything a girl wants but I don't mind finding someone willing to settle hey??
I have friends but I do not have a best friend ?
My name has 7 letters of the alphabet and I'm pretty much sure I can give you information if you dm me ;)
In a house of course :)
To move on My own and being independent
Someone I haven't met .. She seems awesome tho
Lol me?? Don't still talk much .. come here I whip you hard
No comment lol
It relates to many things. DM me I'll tell you
I could name it after you ;)
Never feared anything in life. To say "oops" is better than thinking "what if"
No not at all..
Nope .. Not at all
Nope .. Not at all
Architect in the making
Sleepy at this point in time pretty much (wink)
Definitely both.