Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
The fact that she jumped over the wall at 11pm last night and broke into our house because ii locked her out and went to sleep....LOL!!!!
I'm sure we just grew up and instead of growing up in one direction, we went in two different parralel paths and unless we can sort out em differences then we'll just never meet
Yes, I'd rather not say her name
Depends who this is!!!
Ummm ii dunno and No
Wow, making me do essays on a Monday night, but anyways.....Ummm I\'m pretty funny, I\'m chilled and at the same tikme scrazy, ii like having fun but when There\'s a time to just chill then ii chill, ii really love annoying people, ii just enjoy the looks on their faces when they start chasing me and trying to hit me, I\'m musical, inteligent and yeah, ii prefer chilling with guys over girls now cause some girls just have too much drama and the guys are like just chilled and childish but they\'re still more fun to hang out with and yeah....ii beTter get full marks for this :p
Hahaha, yeah ii think it is, but once a wise man said \"It takes a gay to see a gay\" so hhaha yeahn ii just caLl myself that cause its a sick name
My name is Tumelo Qhali, some know me as Tumz,ii like to sing and dance and swim and jus chill with my friends ii have a reputation of being a pleaser,I go to a high qualified school and ii set high goals for myself and yet ii still don\'t study and ii love girls ............who ever uu are, uu think uu might know my life, but trust me....that\'s just the tip of the iceberg, There\'s still an ocean covering the rest of my story,so please don\'t just go around calling people as*es for breaking your friends heart or something as if I\'ve never been hurt before, ii know what it feels like, huh uu know, every relationship I\'ve been in ii was always the one to be dumped, the fact that I dumped her isn\'t a result of revenge or something, its not even like ii wanted to do it, the real reason for that is still hidden and I\'m not planning on letting any1 seek it...........You might know my name, you might know where ii live or what school ii go....but trust me on this one...YOU realy don\'t know who I am :)
You know, that\'s the thing with life. People are critisized every day of their lives, they\'re expected to live up to the expectations of others, some even have the reputation of being a \"Yes man\" or a \"Pleaser\" because ii wanna be liked by allot of people, but uu know, sometimes in life, we get tired of these daily criticisms and we just decide to show the world the other side of us, everyone ,and ii mean everyone, has another side to them that they never waNna reveal but at some point in life, it just takes over, so yeah, I hope that took uu outta ur confusion or maybe ii confused uu even more but well that\'s the only way ii could think of answering uu
Of course she is, but she\'ll never be cooler than Spongebob though, that guys just friKken awesome.....JK, she\'s one the coolest chix I\'ve met (:
She\'s really awesome as a matter of fact :p
I\'m with school and God :)
Yes,Yes,Yes and No
Ummm well ii can\'t really say it like on a site like this bra so UMm let\'s just say it is unknown
Well II can\'t really blame uu now can II
I did and maybe I would
Lol I\'ll ask my parents and ofcourse I\'m not, she\'s the coolest
So dos god
I don\'t know ey, it\'d be easier to answer your question if I knew who you were
Cool stuff
Hayi god dammit ii dunno and I don\'t want to know
What\'s up with you guys and these quesstions about Clarrie Bags but anyways........Mihle.M,Mihle.S,Brewell.N,Tanielle.W,Thando.S,Anita,Zandile.M,Likhona.M,Mihlali.V,Claudelle.M,Chloe.C.......
From my past girlfriends, I have to give it to Brewell guys, hands down, that title is hers
I guess you\'re hearing voices in your head . I recommend you go to St Albans...They\'re the best or actually go to the mental hospital that Emily Rose goes to , I think you two might suit each other
Well if you really wnna know, uu can ask me tomorrow
Ummm well ii haven\'t really thought about it I guess....I\'m kinda preoccupied in my relationship so yeah
Jeez umm, II dunno ey..I haven\'t talked to her in quite a while .... I wish I could though but ii guess its just ........ Umm yeah
Ummm I can\'t exactly think of anyone
I dunno
I dunno
I\'m in a relationship right now so
I can\'t really answer that quesion....I loved alll of them so yeah
I loved her
I was like a few hours ago but well There\'s kind of something, I don\'t know what it is and I don\'t really wanna talk to anyone on my social networks right now so yeah
Not exactly a question now is it...seems more like a thought or statement to me
The day Jesus disowns God
Haha yeah!!
Cause I love her
Molotov Cocktails!!!Best in the world
Surely you know who I\'m dating...And There\'s only one answer to that question...Its love oak