If tomatoes are fruits, does that make ketchup a smoothie?
Mmmh I don't know* haha naawh I don't think soow* uuugh ketchup as a smoothie just sounds disgusting
If you are hotter than me, does that make me cooler than you? :P
Mmh hehe...* good question..I think you answer that one*
Do you think earth is the coolest place in the world?
Mmh well basically earth is the world* hehe :P
How many push-ups do you think a T-rex can be able to do? :P
None.. Hehe its arms are to short* but I don't really think a T-rex would do push-ups anyway*
би ти попрво да одат во Фиџи или по?обро кажано, да одат во МекÑико??????????
Whaaaaat??* plz english or afrikaans* hehe
If you were stranded on an island, and you could only choose to take ONE thing with you, what would it be?
I'll take my bible*.. :)
What dO yOu tHink Will hApPen iF eveRybody In tHe woRLd sMokeD wEed aT thE saMe TiMe?
We all will be freakin HAPPY !! all the TIME... No CoMplAins!! ..we'll be weeders! Hehe
What colour is your fridge?
Mmmh metallic silver..* hehe
Sal jy ooit met iemand trou watse naam Stoffel is?
Hehe nee ek weet nie* :D
vă plac oamenii cu mucuri de păros????
Lolz I would've given you a proper answer If I understood what you just said!*
Hey tjomma mis ju baie, wil graag we kuier!
Heeeey!! Jinne mis jou ook baie!! As jy my dalk se wie jy is kan ons n kuiertjie reel*
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
LOL idk go ask the person who named it*! :D
Hi louise ek mis jou super baie en love jou meer
Yello* hehe en wies JY?
Hai louise love u baie mwha wens ons gaan weer uit *Z*
Hai ZachQ!! Hehe hoekom bbm jy my nie net nie jnga?*
Hey jy laik jo nuwe kikies op fb!
Hai* aawh jinne baie dankie* hehe
What's the craziest naughty thing you've done ;) will121
LoL hey Liam! :D naah u know I'm mommy's little good girL!*
If you had one wish , what would it be :)
That one wish.. Is my lil secret! Hehehe*
Hey**lovies you baie**
Hey* aawh lovies u 2* eeeen uuh wie JY?*
*!..• HaY LouiSe •..!* eKa WiL nEt se eKa MiS jOu MaL BaiE jy is DiE OuLiksTe,mOoiste,orDentlikste menSie waT eKa KeN .... OnS HeT aL UiT geGaaN .... SaL DiT grAaG WiL OoR hê .. X0x0 LoVe yOu LouiSa ... *Z*
HalloZ daaR!! Hoe sekeR is eke dit is ReRig jy en nie net n RanDom menSie nie??* hehe maar al die se goedjies is mal sweet geweeS!!*
HeyYz j!!* kaN juW ni veRduideLik huveL eka juw miS ni!!* jinNe togGi!!* lieFe juw!* mwah*
Hey!!!! Wie jY.. LoL maar eke is seker eke Liefies & miss juw ook crazy baie!!* mwah* B)
Wat is die kwaiste movi vir jou?
No idea... Het al way to much movies gekyk*
Ja , soos kole of streepe of plane of glowe in the dark
Oowh!! Love ranDom neon stuffies+ crack en glow in the dark cutex*
En naal kleur ?
Naal..?? Soosin CuteX??
Wat is jou favourite oog kleur?
Crazy oor groen oe!!*
Wat is jo favourite oog kleur?
Crazy oor groen oe!*
Wat is jou Favourite kleur ?
Pers , lemetjie groen en rooi*
Bradley hier :)...as jy 1 mens in die werld sal wees ..wie sal dit wees en hkm *
Hai JY* baie bly om weer biQ van jou te hoor* mmmh om eerlik te wees neh... Eks happy nes eke is!! Ek het mal awesome fwends & fam so vir wat kan ek meer VRA!*
Sal jy altyd so n diebare omgee mens bly.
Ja natuurlik* ek geniet dit vele meer om om te gee en gelukkig te wees as misluk en kortaf
Wat is jou favourite blom?
N rooi roos of n daisy* hehe B)
Hi sonskyn hoe ga met die breiwerk.
Hai tannie!* nee dit gaan goed eks aan die gang!
Hey!!Ek wil net vir jou se jou boetie is een se*y ou wat ek nog gesien het!!En dit lyk asof hy n wonderlike persoonlikheid kan he!!Dink jy , jy kan hom dalk aan my voorstel!!
Hai jah hys awesome maar hy het n meisie en hys perfectly gelukkig saam haar!* so jammer jong,maar sal juw nogsteeds kan voorstel*
If the moon could talk, his mouth would just hung open by your personality that is shining brighter then he does* jy's 'n wonDerlike vriendin my piarific maatji* my fLaminki* xoxo*
Aawh.. Damn girl youR juSt siMplY the best I lowies u soow muChies!! Mwah!! Jys het die mooiste persooNliKheiD!!* xooxox
Hallo.. Jou se*y ding... Ek wil jou soen.. En nooit ophou nie.. Ek wil jou meer as net soen!! En nie net op jou mond nie...!!!
Uumh okay sjoh jy kon daardie maar vir jouself gehou het.. Want ek wou dit nie weet nie*
Ek bang om in die NTK so te staan. Hahaha.
Haha ooh is dit so... Hehe is my spank nuw nie mea goed genoeg nie heh!! Sal onthou haha
s*ck my balls 007!
I rather s*ck a LoLi-Pop!!
* hallo TunA ((weet noGstEedS ni hkM is dit tuna ni)) haha ... Bly awEs0me sQueeZiE .... J mut n0oit veAnnEr niE .... Hehehe... MwAAhZZzzZ *
Awwh beloweQies juw eke sal verandeR niE!!! Mwwaahzz!! Hehe
As jy nou een ou moet kies wat laas jaar in Krugerpark was ons te vry wie sou dit wees???
En ek soek n naampie
Mmmh lat eke biQ dink... Ummh.. Sekerlik een van my ouens wat ek toe nog daai tyd gehad het* lolz..
Wie is jou grootste crush? Gee net sy eerste letter.
Mmmmh.. Kom ons se N... En dit staan vir NIEMAND!*
Halo dar oulik...hoop jy het n vantastiese dagiq verder en wil net se ek mis jou bja....hoop jy geniet jou dagiq verder hoor...
Awh halloZ daaR!! Baie dankie eke hooP jy heT ooWk n lekker daggiEq!! MaaR wie jY??
* haha HEy TunA dubble 0 seven :p * haha .... Wl manet vjuw sê j is 'n awesome mEnSie e jy mut glad ni veanner ni .... :D * mwAhZzz
Awwh jinne DANkiez!! Eke sal nooit verander nie* (HUGieS) ;) baie BLY vir n maQi soos JY!!
Nee mense wat in n peink broek perd ry!! Hahaha lyk net snaaks. Dan wil jy vir my lag net omdat my broek my kuite seer maak. Hahaha jy snaakser gelyk as ek
Aaawh my ou BOABAB!!!! Praat van die pienk broek.. Haha ek dra hom nou op die oomblik!! Hehe LMGA* teminste het my broek nie geknyp nie* mmmh! Beat that!! Missies jou mal baie neh! BwahahahaA!!
JisSs!* meNse iS snaaKse goed neH!!* teMinsTe weEt ek ek kaN my fLaminki vertrou!* ek's bja liEfies vijuw, jy'S oNbeskryFlik squeEza!* mwaHz* dankie vi aLzZ neh!!* xoxo* Theana
BaiE sNaaKse goeDjieS neH!!! GeLuKkig het eK mY FlaMinKiE wiE my CoMpLetE!!* hehe lovies u lots**
Het jy al gevinger.As jy so mooi lyf het dan moet jy seker n hot Pu**y he en asemroomende boo*s
LoL is jy ernstig!! Hoe laag wil jy dan nou daal? Dis so commen!
Net eka!!!!!!hehehe BIANCA :)~
Haha dit GaaN baie lekkeR wees!! Hehe gaan daardie meisies in die rip off van hak skoene mooi reg wys!! Mmh like a boss neH!! B)
Um.......en dis gan fun wees om saam jou en jou boetie te kuier!!!!!!
Haha Bianca of Bieber...* hehe een van die tweeQies !!
Dis iemand wat jy nog bja die vakansi gan sien.....
Nog baie se jy!! Hehe klink FuN!!* gee my nog n leidraad*??
Hkm wil jy weet wie eke is!!!!!hehehe Blaaaaaa
Ag wou manet weet wie is die mensie wat my naggie gemaak het*!
Dis n plisierq jy......ek is bly ek kon jou aandjie mak en n smile op jou gesigi sit......
Baie danQi!! Sjoe maar se my biQ neh wie is jy?*
Hkm is jy so oulike mensi....wat so n wonderlike lewendige persoonlikheid het.....jy is awsum en ek love jou to bits......jy is die beste ooit tx dat jy so wonderlike mensi is.....en moet nie lat seuns met jou mors nie hoor jy :)
Ek weet dalk nie wie jy is nie.. Maar die boodskappie het sommer my aandjie gemaak!!* ek voel nou sommer spesiaal!! Baie dankies!! B) liefies jou oowk bja!
Hai jy!* ;) jy is vrieken spif mensie!!* salie maklik va juw ka vergeeti!!* unforgetble!!* hehe soa geniet juw aandjie!*leka slpies sroom va my!*
Heeey!!* JY's net so fLipPen spif en daars ook no way hoe EkE vaN jouW verGeeT nie hoa!! Jy moet oowk jo aandjie geniet, en ek sal vir n feiT oor juw drooM! ;)
Wt het van Sqeeza geword**
My SqueeZa profile het verval!* hehehe
Hahahahahaha!!!!! Ekt jou!!! Mooooooi gehaaat heh???
Haha jaah !! Joh joh!!
Yes.. Just for.. You!! Its me Bieber!!! Lol :D
LoL.. Hey U dear devil of a friend!* haha
Ok... I will tell you??..
U will?
I'm just gonna stop replying now*
And then???
Just tell me it's not going to change anything! That's a promise.. If u trust me u will..
I know you won't, its always me that messes everything up, just like now?
No no no* just tell me who u are on bbm or something*
Cause its gonna be super weird and cause I'm a weird person plus its gonna mess up our friendship
I'm weird 2!! Hehe and it won't mess up our friendship!*
I can't!!!! ;(
Just give me 2 reasons why not?*
You gonna be Surprised when you find out!
.... Prove it to me!
Hahahahahahaha! NO!! Don't do this to me!
No.. I really ain't gonna believe u until u tell me who u r..
Hehe you will fine out one day! :)
If u really liked me u will tell me who u r *
I really wanna tell you!!! I really do!! But I can't in any way? Why do you wanna know so bad? Is it cause I like you so much?
Yes it is because I would like to know who is this person who keeps on saying they like me..*
No its ok, I think its better if you don't know :)
Awwh :( I'm on my knee's begging u please!!
I can't, its gonna make everything weird
Prove it!! Haha...
Haha I could, but if you know its gonna be a bit weird :(
I'm asking so nicely!! Bbm me or something.. Hehe
Both :)
That doesn't help me even a bit!* hehe. Soo R u gonna tell me now who u r?
Just take a guess? Hehe ;-)
Haha okay R Afrikaans or English? :D
I really like you!!* And... Hehe jip Enjoy your day ;-)
Ppplzz tell me who are u??* hehe thanX u 2* :)
Hehe neh hkm mak dit nuw yntlik saak wie eka is?*
Haha heti n idea nie..* okay een ouQ ini hele werEld?.. Mmmh ek sou se my ou maar heti een nIE!*
Hai jy!!* uhmpie!* neh as jy sooz een ou ouQ kan jies yt die wereld!!* wte een sou dt weeC soek n nampie bliefieZ!*
Se my wie is jyw.. Dan sal ek jouw sommer persoonlik sE!* ;)
Hallo poplap jy is n great mensie hoor
Awwh jinne! Jy laat my soow special voel! DANKIE*
Jy het mooi bo bene louiseQ
Aawh jinne Hehe DanQi hoa*
I'm realLy glad you feel that way!!* you are an amazinG person!* I'll give my happyness just to see u smile!* I realLy lovies you's my FLAMINKIE!!* I'm aLwayS heRe to Keep u waRm neH!* :P!!* haha!* liefieS juw!
Aaawh jinne!! FLAMINKiE!! Eke is soo bitter baie lief vir jou!* Jy's my hart se punt hoa!!* to infinity and beyond* <3! MwaH
Name a friend how has aLways been there for you, through it all, one who you will take a bullet for?? And you to know without any doubt that he/she will do the same for you?
All my friends are people really close to my h
eart and without them honestly I'm nothing! I'll take a bullet for all of them!
What about something in the future? Like if u could warn yourself about something that u know is gonNa happen soon, wouLd u let yourself fall, or...????
Well just warn myself or let's say remind myself to go for a boy's personality and not the way he looks and that.. Aaah the people I had in the past.. Their the past..
If you could turn back time once and change onLy one thing in your past, what would it be?
Well I think every thing happens the way it does for a reason.. So nothing..*
Het j n ou
Nopies.. Wag nog viri regte 1*
Gud dankie hoop jy nog mooi soos altyd :)
Awwh!! Jinne dankie.. Well dit los ek maar vir jouw om te besluit! :P
Why are you such a bich
U don't spell it bich... It's actually Bit**.. Lolz
Hey tjomie hoe gaan dit daar
HEeeEY! Dit gaan baie goed danQ* nDa?