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In ma own house....
rnUp *****g next t0p m0del #lol# i rwly h0pe so
If dat pers0n treats me wel, respctn me. Jah.
Half ya 5
I ddn knw buh...nw i knw nxcawww!!
Dis ada guy buh...i thnk i 4gt his name. Il tl u leme thnk
Buh...dy askn stupid Qs jo...
Like ur grandmada wa le niggar....
Dats y ur mouth stinks coz t t0taly shws dat u bi sh*ttn wit ur mouth coz u twking sh*... Esh!! Kgante keng naa d0n u undrstnd Ask Qs and st0p twkn sh* #eyes.up&down#
we cool besties st0p hating nja!!!! She ma sis and dat w0nt change, n01 cn sprate us never!!! U Stupid pers0n
Dont u hav sum bttr 2 asK ME...?¿¿ #b0red.4yearz#
Ask G0d. C0z m his creati0n... #b0oohm#
¿Do u eat food??
Leme jus cy THANK U evn thou i d0n knw who u ar. #shwin.sum.respect#
Choose 1 4 me
No reason....0h. .myb tz hw dy c me or myb ke jelous, or myb dy wnt me 2 b a ***** lyk em yah. . . .myb akitsi!!
rnBuh. . Leme tl u iets, Evn if ppl cwl me a *****........dy ain gain nun (dy w0nt evn gain weight) dy\'l twk and twk buh nun wl s0lv da fact dat dy cwl me a *****. If i am a ***** thn \"m a ***** dat knws hw 2 take a gud care of ha fine slf\"
If i wr u, i was g0n run 2 ma mada and ask ha dat......>>f** u and ur so cwld \"ppl\"<<
rnu stupid u knw g0re u da same pers0n dat asks me dz stupid Qs abt tsholo. If u thnk i datd tsh0lo\'s exs thn go **** yaslf and cut th0z untidy ears c0z dy l2 sh*t............ #SCREWD.Y0U!!#
MyK Sure u luk so 5n......& if u aint, then go padile
O0h...& & i d0n paSS On ma mxit cntacts 2 strangrs. #p0intin.0n.ur.4head#
Da w0rd "YA"
Ai!! Next Q Pls...
U ****d up.......u d0n knw exctly wha u askn.......ask that thngi btwn ur legs.
Who dAT??
0ooh...jeez!! Wha a stupid Q. . .
Like u....
I d0nt thnk i thnk so....wha do u thnk!!
Nah...nat at al.
Nat bad...
Leyona ya go rata #wink#
Ul knw soon #wink#
Umh.....dat i datd da whole skwl #lol#
Beautiful, alwaez smlln. . . .#happy.pers0n#