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Shane Bird


Feel free to message me anything. I will reply to as many as I can

74 Replies

but what if it is my business?

Idk who you are, please stop

Twitter115 replied 3376 days ago 1

Who are the girls you have messaged lately?

None of your buisness...?

Twitter115 replied 3377 days ago

Miss anyone?

Yes, a lot of people

Twitter115 replied 3377 days ago

whos your bæ?

Annabelle Walters (Fav Bae) Lucy Smith (2nd Fav Bae

Twitter115 replied 3377 days ago

Favourite couple

I would say myself and bae, but we aren't a couple </3

Twitter115 replied 3377 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

My guitars :D

Twitter115 replied 3377 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

Too many .-.

Twitter115 replied 3592 days ago

When was the last time you cried and why ?

Grandfather's funeral. Why? Because up there god was saying"three down. One to go"

Twitter115 replied 3615 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?

Neither. Good old Chevy Bel Air :D Classic cars are always my thing

Twitter115 replied 3623 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?

Joining cadets I say

Twitter115 replied 3629 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Get some supercars, fly to America, get some more supercars, got to Evalyn's house and go for a joy ride with her

Twitter115 replied 3632 days ago

Hello young grasshopper,how are you? millie.smith.125

Call mee!!!!

Twitter115 replied 3634 days ago

Is evalun your girlfriend?

Not currently, but soon <3

Twitter115 replied 3634 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

Evalyn, Tyson and Josh

Twitter115 replied 3635 days ago

Who are you worried about at the moment?
Anyone you want to just give a big hug to?

My bae Evalun, but she is sick, so I will give her an even bigger hug

Twitter115 replied 3635 days ago