How’s your life?
He’s AMAziiiinnngggggg?
Why don’t you like me anymore Tako
Because you’re a plastic A$$ mf
Describe your life in 4 words
What’s your middle name?
If you wre to date someone rn who would you data ?
Who was your first kiss?
My first boyfriend
What’s the craziest thing you have done ?
Do you have nice feet ?
I don't know,but I think so
Favorite song
Say you won't let go
What would you rate yourself out of 10
Hmm I don't know
Joyner or NF?
Iii that's really hard.I like them both
What's your fav colour?
My favourite colour changes every month
What made you happy today? 100+
His goodmorning message?
Have you ever been hurt by someone you love?
Can I get to know you more?
I'm jealous of your boyfriend
Uhm ohke?
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Fake people
Takomborerwa Shamiso Kumire,the realest btch I know,will you marry me?
Yes anonymous,I'll marry you
Ever paid my fees?
Whose is/was your high school crush
Are you in love with Tinashe
I'm in love with you
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Wearing my clothes without my permission
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
I sniffed my breath infront of a cute boy
Tu parle français?
Ou,je parle français
I think you good at takin pictures
Who is ur boyfriend
Your sister?
Can i DM you cause i want your number?
I want to be your new friend is it cool with you?
Are u an idiot?
Are you stupid?
Someone you hate?
I don't hate
Are you taken ?
How is your loving and caring bf??
Eh eh eh I know who this is?.You crazy?
This not a game,f is you sayin'
B.S is something I don't entertain
You are so beautiful?
Thank you so much
Do you like him?
Him who?
Why do you never say hi to me when you see me?
If I see you and I don't speak,that means I don't .... with you?
Have you ever been in love?
What's your boyfriend's name?
Eh why would I tell you
If I DM you,will you reply me?
Momma said don't talk to strangers?
You have a crush on anyone?
Do you still have laughing problems?
Yes!Yes,I do
Samantha was here?
I love you?
Uhmmm ohkaaay
What would you do if you found out that your boyfriend's playing both you and your bestfriend?
Probably just put cancer in his water pipes,yea,nothing big
Describe yourself
I'm indescribable
You have a beautiful soul
Awww thank you
What would you rate yourself out of 10
What is your worst fear
A musician you hate ?
Holly Brook
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
I love you
What bad habits do you want to break?
Biting my nails