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I love u 2 boo
Is it a problem, she's my girlfriend, I'm sure u would love someone if they even came close to Anri
Whoa! Not cool okay u don't knw her like I do okay? She is amazing and is just very defensive!
I love u 2 and u will always be mine!
I love u 2 babez
Her name is Anri Marais and she means the world to me!
Yes I am with the most amazing girl in the world
I love it 2 homie!
Hahahaha that was so funny:P
When I was 5 hahaha:p
Haha yeah kinda forgot about it
Never ever baby, hope u don't fall for any other guys
Hahaha she lives in Joburg but still:P I'm all urs baby and I hope ur all mine
To be more sporty:P
I love u 2 baby, and thx so much!
Hahaha I do and I love u 2 baby
Yes I Do ey:) bbm me pls:)
I have no idea what you mean haahaha:P
Yeah thx Kdogg! Hahaha:P I will do and we should go next Saturday coz I'm hosting from Wynberg this weekend and swamped with projects!
Haahhaaha is that all?? Hahaha jj;)
Oh yeah hahaha wtf is thatpersons problem??:/
Sleg?? And what is??
Oh hahaha probably the way you make me smile and the way you drill yourself into my head:P I don't mean literally I mean I can't get you out of my head lol :P
Whoa that's not cool!!! She's an amazing person okay you've never met her either so how can you go calling her a Bit**?? Wtf
Its challenging to answer if I don't know who you are hahaha:P
Oh hardee harhar!:P hahahaha you gotta ask proper questions! Hahhaha but that made me laugh hahaha:D
I feel like I've known her forever and I feel as if I don't have to meet her to like her because now I know her personality side and like her for that instead of liking her only because she is hot
Haha not in person:(
Haha I don't know who you are so I can't really comment
Inge Scholtz haha:P
This girl in Guateng hahha it s*cks coz we so far apart:(
Sorry hahaha but who knows maybe in the future:)
I do actually but she lives in Gauteng
Okay I definitely know who this is:P
I know this girl but she lives in Gauteng and I kinda like her:P
Hahah thx a lot I\'m really flattered:P it s*cks I don\'t know who you are wink wink nudge nudge;):P
Haha well I was sick this one time and we were in Bio and we were learning about reproductive systems and I past out hahaha and then this whole rumour went around the I pas* out to the words: p**** and v***** haha
No one at the moment ey but I hope to find the right girl soon;)
Funny, outgoing and respectful hahaha:P