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Your pretty cool :) and your very good to talk to and your v good looking :)
Razz me
v cool person, i miss seeing you and your just awesome and v pretty xx
Your pretty cool, havent met you in perso but you seem real nice and sweet and we have good facebook conversations well used too :)
You are v small ;) nah but you're pretty nice and your a good friend :p
Bangerang by skrillex
Hahahaha donuts r lyfe
Your really nice and good looking. I miss how close we used to be, we should talk more
Pretty nice and cool :p should talk more
You're pretty cool and we should talk more :)
Neva coz im tuff lol
Not guite sure. Theres heaps that i like
It annoys mee
Tc :(
Dont care
Kush 5000
not buying donuts
same here anon
My pet trex
Hi staycee
Its not gay if the balls dont touch
you babe
There a very cute couple :)
Um why?
What are talking about
ERHMEHGERD GRACE! I miss her soo much, she sends the hottest selfies of all time she is the greatest i love her xxx
Sarah!!! Your the cutest and your one of my good friend, im really glad i met cause your really nice and funny. Ily
Your nice :) i miss us being close and you and nathan are really cute together
Who is this
You are very nice and your pretty c:
Any nickelback song
a year 8 showed one of the teachers
i trust donuts
took a snapchat of mrs boyer on tv the drew a p**** on her head.... its so ****ing stupid
I dont like her in that way and she doesnt like me in that way either. Who is this
i miss them too
mmm im not very positive on dating ex's again, it always ends up ****ing with my head haha but like if we started to get really close again and stuff i would probably would :)
don't winky face me.
daaaaaang anon
Oh nooo. You really got me where it hurts anon :(
Yeah haha... Why the **** are asking me?
Ebbonys the best, shes a real cutie and shes nice and funny xx
I like boo*s.....
Umm dunno haha
Sarah! She's cool, very attratcive and funny :) love her :)
haha shes pretty nice :)
she's pretty cool and nice and also funny :))
Who that
420 minutes
Ebb's the biggest cutie out there, shes a really good friend, shes really nice. Funny and caring xox
catie 180 degree turn is awesome :) shes really good friend and she always there for me when im upset and shes funny :)
dont even know haha
sam? sam who?
Get a job at mcdonalds and collect every globe snapback and also become really good on penny boards so i can cruise down the street
yer dood
who iz dis
she's such a cutie and she's really nice and caring :)
how much kush do you smoke a day?