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does he do the kuntt ?
not sure probly not good but aweeel
aww well i have known you for a while you are beutifull inside and out
dont think we have meet but you seem nice :)
biggest turn off is ice and turns on are girls with morals and respect
i didnt think i knew people like this fried gronks
because as much as its none of your buisiness she really really isnt
shows how much you no lol just made me laugh
Thanks bro ,appreciate it made me happy
I love lucy too and more then you caus look were i am ;P and no i have not ****ed her up ? i may have upset her at times but i never intend to its just part of relationships
A couple of months i sposse?
junkies now ? and in time i will find which cemetery i decide to go to but i am sceptical on the thought of a hole i think i would prefer a box. but i really dont know were you get that thought from because a junkie cant get through day to day life without drugs and we can so ?
i dont do drugs ? lol
crack is coacain ? she dosent smoke that and as for ice i have never seen her smoke that eather lol and yeh she is a good girlfriend ? and i highly dout that but who is ya mate
My sister.
sure ? when you wanna come at me dog ?
hahaha thats it ;)
Im not sure , that you woulld have to ask her ?
Yes :)
dont even ****ing talk to me
wow i dont think so mut because crack is cocain ?
advice lol jokes?
ehh to explore and learn
why do you want to start **** ? and i dont belive me or her have had crack learn ya drugs ya mut