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I cant remember
Ok lets set a few things straight. 1. if by calling me a try hard your day is now better well your welcome. 2. if i ever was in your pathetic eyes "cool" then i have failed at life. I know i'm not "cool" and am totally good with that. People need to stop asking why i am friends with people. I choose who i hang out with not you. And to answer you question (which might i add is not clear in amongst all that rubbish as there was no question mark) Because she is one of the most genuine people i think i have ever met. She is one of the few people that i genuinely trust and she is one of the funniest nicest yet crazy people ever.
I would say the internet. Oh and stupid people. But mostly the internet. I mean c'mon Tumblr
where should i start the list....hahahaha kidding. They shall remain nameless.
Wouldn't exactly call it a dream, but it was me being trapped inside of 4 white walls that are slowly closing in on me.
I got a Ukulele, her name is mini me. (dont judge) I also got 3 new Vinyls. Then the usual stuff like clothes and what not.
I couldn't change my friends even if I tried. They are to freaking stubborn..... kidding. I wouldn't want to change one thing about my friends.
Life oh and bands
Wait can it be an "Immaculate misconception" Sorry that had to be done. I don't really care if it makes no sense to you if it does than fantastic. I don't really know what a common misconception about me .... you tell me
My guitar. My beautiful baby, Effie.
what is this thing that you call sleep
Heaps of people inspire me. A lot of these people are in bands and about 95% of them either play guitar or sing. So just to save you the essay. I am inspired by many people
them being a rude cow
The future
When life screws you over
I would take a bullet for so many of my friends I would not have to limit it to one
no but it can buy me concert tickets and guitars so it is kinda the same thing.
I had a dream about being shot in the head last night...... not morbid at all. :)
When they constantly talk about themselves and have no interest in other peoples lives
Honestly Not my place to have an opinion.
Mia has destroyed my life. That is all I can say. She is such a crazy, incredible, AWESOME, freakishly talented, nice, Funny person and an awesome girl to hang out with. For someone who I have really only talked to this year, I trust her soooo much we are so close and she knows some of my big secrets. ILY Mia
Have only had a few conversations with Keely, but she is such a strong and amazing girl. She is such an inspiration to look to. She always is so nice to everybody and is such a persistent girl. Hope to get to know her a bit better
LOVE LOVE LOVE PTV. They have destroyed my life! I shall never be able to make a playlist on my iPod without at least one PTV song for fear of not being able to listen to their beautiful voices and guitars and drums and bass. OMG Love PTV sooooo much
All Time Low absolutely ROCK!! Love there vibes and sound and lyrics and them and where can I start the list cause I could go on for hours here. Let me just make an apology though here. I an hopeless and always get Jack and Alex mixed up........insert shame face here. Sorry
Oh, Well imagine if I didnt love Panic! At the Disco? The Horror
One of the most iconic and influential bands of all time. There lyrics speak words that hit home for everyone and there sound is incredible. Love them so much.
Love them. So exited to hopefully see them later this year with Tonight Alive
I do not believe that Of Mice is a band????? Now this must be the same numpty that asked my opinion on Blink 128 and Bring me that horizon
LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM Awesome for in the mornings when I want a good session of dancing and laughing with my friends to Deja Vu.
Only listened to some of A Day to Remember stuff really need to look at more.......... Where is a Mia when you need her.
Kara is such an awesome friend of mine. Met her in Year 7 and since then we have been really good friends. Love her. She is super smart to and always seems to be helping me with Science and Indo HW.
Love most of their stuff. Really awesome to play on guitar as it is relative simple yet sound so freaking amazing!!
you my friend need to research what band names are before you ask questions about them. Because I haven't heard of Blink 128. Sorry.
Love them! Their sound, their presence, their amazingly talented abilities to perform, their ..... the list could go on forever. So excited about their new album!!!
I think just about the same as yours. Not a massive fan at all. Never really got into them, Personally think that there talent is not as good as it is made out to be and they are only as famous as they are because teenage girls tend to swoon over them. Me not so much.
Clearly more valid than yours as I actually know the name of the band. Bring me THE horizon is incredible. Love them so much.
Jemima is such an amazing friend. She is like a rock for me and without her I would be so lost. She is such an amazing strong girl and I swear such an Awesome role model for me. Love her so much. BTW she has amazing taste in Music and TV shows!!!!!
Svetty, is one of my absolute best friends. For someone I have only known for 3 years it seems like I have known her all my life. She is one of the most caring, sincere, kind and freakishly Awesome people that I know and I hope that I will be able to be friends with her till the day that I die. She is starting to like good music but does tend to ruin it when she plays a good song followed by singing along at the top of her lungs to single ladies..... (shakes head in shame)???
Where should I start the list.
Howdy There. How is life going today
lo hago a usted ya su amor español amar
Where do I begin, could not even list them all but if I had to pick 4 it would probably be Georgia, Svetlana, Mia and Jemima
......... Where do I even begin have you got 12 hours for me to compile a list
I know you do
the ones that have no more than 4 letters
I sure do son
Eew yuck everyone knows I hate tacky boy bands
Eeew disgusting now to figuring out which one of my friends posted this...??
That they try and figure out what annoys me about them
That they try and figure out what annoys me about them