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Marcus Maynard


Ask me anything you like anonymously

262 Replies

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Please explain why.

whichever God chooses for me

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

Do you have any phobias? Asama

of the devil, satan

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

What is one question you absolutely refuse to answer? Asama

what do you dislike about God?

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

Do people really get any wiser as they get older? Asama

they do as God gives them more knowledge

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

What was your most intense dream? Asama

I met God

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

What do you think the ideal human lifespan would be? Asama

whatever God chooses it to be

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

Is beauty purely subjective or can someone be wrong about whether something is beautiful? Asama

Everything god makes is beautiful

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

If someone made a movie about your life, what would they call it? Who would you want to play you? Asama

The man of God.

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

Do you ever feel the need to have total privacy? Asama

god is always watching i dont need privacy

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

Workwise, where do you see yourself in another ten years? Asama

at church praying t god repent my sins

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? Asama

more god, jesus and holy ghost in my life

UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago

What are you attracted to in a man/woman? Asama


UltraGrunt117 replied 3393 days ago 2

What was your last relationship like? Asama


UltraGrunt117 replied 3653 days ago

If you had to rank your own *ex appeal on a scale of 1 to 10, then how would you rank yourself? Asama

Honestly 7 on a good day down to 5 on days where my hair looks so gay like today

UltraGrunt117 replied 3653 days ago

What is your most terrible memory? Asama

Saying autistic things in year 7-10

UltraGrunt117 replied 3653 days ago