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Hayden Beavis


Ask me anything you like anonymously

37 Replies

Will you still love me tomorrow?

Of course, it is quite impossible to stop loving leather bound books and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany!

Undercover_Brother replied 4441 days ago 1

will you love me?

If by me you mean many leather bound books and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany, then yes I will.

Undercover_Brother replied 4441 days ago

lol that anithuman thing was me #yoloswag. HarrietLintern

That was an intense question, I had to google stuff!

Undercover_Brother replied 4443 days ago

p1did you knowthat if we applied certain aspects of physics to human life there could in fact be a parallel universe. For example every electron has its anti electron. this is the exact make up of an electron except its complete counter opposite (not a proton)


Undercover_Brother replied 4443 days ago

p2and this anti electron must exist far enough away from the electron as possible. this is because if it comes in contact with said electron they will collide and in fact disappear. what if our anti human is out there?


Undercover_Brother replied 4443 days ago

p3 and we came in contact with it and by colliding with enough force we just suddenly disappeared?

I guess you could have antihumans, but its unlikely. Every subatomic particle has an anti particle of equal mas* and oppositie charge, for example electrons with a 1- charge have positrons which have a 1+ charge. And just the same as hydrogen is made of a proton nucleus and an electron, a positron and an antiproton can form antihydrogen. So there can theoretically be anti molecules for all the elements and molecules in our body, arranged in the same way as us, but i doubt it. Should that happen and we collide with our anti-selves? Annihilation would occur, literally. With a low energy collision, Every anti proton, anti neutron and positron would collide with their significant other giving off mas*less particles like photons and energy relative to E=MC2. High energy collisions can give off particles such as higgs boson, hence the LHC experiments. Don't quote me on this because its very complicated #yolonerdswag

Undercover_Brother replied 4443 days ago

What if everything we're taught in science is actually completely wrong?

Depends what the actual truth is.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

What do you think there is beyond the universe?

Implying that there 'is' something as*umes that there is a dimension of space and a dimension of time beyond the inverse, which may not exist. Although if those dimensions do exist, then I think there are other universes linked out there. Although that's just as likely as having a piece of toast flying out there.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

What if our whole universe is in the brain cell of another living thing? Or there is a whole universe within one of our brain cells?

I doubt that, there isn't enough molecular space to fit enough atoms in a brain cell to accommodate a universe. However it does show that our grey matter and universe are one in the same. The carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen that make the organic compounds in our brain came from the same exploding star that gave all the stars in the sky hydrogen. The oxygen that we breathe came from the same place as the oxygen in the water molecules locked in the poles of mars. It puts things in perspective.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

Who do you have the most respect for?

Academically there are 3 people: Luke McCulloch, Glenn Wallace and Leatham Landon-Lane. They work so hard in school with the hardest subjects and I have a lot of respect for them - they out perform the natural geniuses who don't even try. For dedication and sports, Tom Murray is definitely someone who I have respect for. Rowing beside him season after season, you see why he is a world champion. He is a perfectionist and doesn't give up. Piers Dashfield is awesome too, he sticks up for what he believes in even if that goes against the trending opinion. He is genuine and such a good sort. There are so many people I have respect for but if there had to be one it would b Barack Obama. He is black, tightens up gun laws, supports marriage equality and is a democrat - it's like he wants people from the south to hate him. And even through that he still managed to win the election. He is such a great public speaker. Although he is a common idol, I genuinely look up to that man.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

good answeR biatch cos its MADDI P DIDDY DEACON HAHAHAH GOTCHA

I am way to smart for my own liking. WHAT AM I SAYING! I love it. #IAMAGOD

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

Who's your bestfriend?

I don't have one specific best friend, there are plenty of people I could go to if I had a bad problem but there is only a few I would actually trust enough to go to haha. A pretty solid friend lately would be Maddi Deacon! I'm not going to pretend like I have drama that I go to her like most of Blenheim do but I have some pretty good conversations with her about religion politics science and everything.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

would you go back there with her?

Nah I think that's best left in the past this time haha

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

what do you think of megan?

She's a good girl!

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago

A year 13 in Chicago you would've gone for?

Is it sad that I had to go to the Chicago Facebook group to remember who did Chicago lol? Generally they were all pretty cool so I think if I felt inclined to go for anyone i would but there wasn't anyone specific haha.

Undercover_Brother replied 4444 days ago