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Ask me Anything xxx

547 Replies

The last thing you bought ?

Green Weed socks

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3583 days ago 1

A memory you want to forget ?

his name starts with Josh ends in Hawkins. or the time where i got so blind drunk i fell of my roof trying to catch a ball XD

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3589 days ago

What is your nickname ?

B*tch t***, Annie or baby

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3593 days ago

here at albury high they actually teach you how you can get a job, what you need for the job etc... overcoming depression and social anxiety, how you can possibly overcome it...

mostly in year 10/11 only

well I'm in year 10 at james Fallon and they teach **** all about anything

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3598 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

where so I start? how about how to get a job? how to save money better? How to over come depression and social anxiety? How to take care of child when you actually want one not just when the condom breaks? -.- our schools learning system could have been planned so much better...

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3600 days ago 1

What does your perfect day look like?

Hanging out with Him, just talking and laughing cause we seem to make the best out of anything :)

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3603 days ago

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

I have always wanted a love so strong that you always come back to eachother and yes i did but its more of a Bipolar love :/

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3607 days ago

Hey you stood up for me, thank you I couldn't thank you enough for being on my side when I've lost all, it means a lot I just thought if say thank you since you don't reply to my messages. So thanks Zacattack14

we may have had our ups and downs but your still a friend and i wont stand to see you in the state you are in right now

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3612 days ago

What are we meant to get a girl on valentines day

idk about other girls but if a guy i liked/ is dating were to just show up at mine with pizza, video games and movies and *ex I would be pretty damn happy :) but idk most girls like to be taken to the movies and get given flowers, chocolates and **** so yeah :)

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3616 days ago

What has wasted your time the most this year ?


Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3616 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?

Lamborghini <3

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3620 days ago

Tbh you an pertty amazing girl, any guy would be lucky to have to, im sorry I cant call you my bestie any more but I hope on day we could be at lest friends again.......


who's this and if were not friends theres probs a reason for it

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3624 days ago

Name anyone you dated in the past ?

Joshua Hawkins.

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3624 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?


Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3635 days ago

What’s my best physical feature?

butt. i dont know who you are but butt.

Unicorn_Baconxx replied 3637 days ago