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Khanthe entse le teng nthwena. Hatjhe! M-m ha se taba ya hao.
Wa utlwa le wna o ntsore ha ke le siyo?'.'? Ha hona nthwe ka re hloganisang
Nna ga ke tlhaloganye senyesemane gompieno,se boelletse england. O ntsoreng?
tws s'posed tah b yew,ha ke tsebe hwa senyeha kae.
Nna haktsebe.. Ha ke vipe mos. Maar heh di 16 m defina8ly goin tah kroonstad. Di 17,ke ya moo o yang teng
Entlek o buwang kang maar? S ds kpa ho thwe, "NTSHANG MAIKUTLO"
lmao! O tla shatjwa ke ba2 ba corrupt atsea.
Hahaha! A demure prsn lyk me!? O.m.g!
>>chuckling wif laughter in disblv<
ha ke buwe haholo hlem, both yew nd i kno that...ryt.
Ee? Atsea ko b'lelle skgowa se boyetse England,kpa bothata bo ho wna, ako hlaki-hlakisa moo.
Hehehehe! LoLment! Ha ke nwe. Hahaha
Jwale o nkgothalletsa hore ke etse jwang
ako shebisise hantle heh
Hehehe.. Ooh ke tsona tse ke di batlang tsona tse. Lmsao! Buh lemme tel yew: 1,2,5,9,15 atjhe jwale iv lost count [=Conventxnally i neva keep score sheet cards
Tjhe potso tse le re botsang tsona. Ke Motshweneng
Hore o tle o mpotse, hwa bona na o botsa mang?
s'posably SUCCESS
Pipo hu kno wht they wnt nd they r driven in lyf. I luk uhp tah my mom [= sh always infuses me wif courage.
Tah tel yew sth yew hvnt realised:i always ensure that my presence s nt obtrusive plusen ha ke daar ka publicity as a matter of fct y ke tlameya ho etsa ntho tse mpe ho re ke kennele?
O no batla keo shaiseg?¿?
Most probably u wanet tah sy a bjob ebe o so swaba neh. [=ke tla o zama een dag,hoër..
Uhm..! Candidly m stil a bit perplexed,so i hvnt really givem t a thot,buh il let yew kno whn iv decided.
Hahaha! Eya hle,nd thanx 4 makn tah recognise t mor
LoLs! Wna o wo bone jwang,nka ikgantsha ka eng yaka nnake
L.o.g* yew bwe é ryt ansa tah daht man btw i dnt c y yew shld bwe green-eyed wif Thandow
No.m defrosting two steaks. v***** on é syd. Ok wif yew?¿?
rn Yee-ha! VEGGIES! I dnt v any frozen vagin on hand. Lmsao!
I kno,jwale o no batla ho etsahale eng
Atjhe hahaha! Ha o na motseba authi yeo,evn f i told u
Se ke wa nqhetsola hleke. Atjhe! Lmao!
Whn i accpt ur fwndshp request t means i accpt ur fwndshp nt ur PROPOSAL. =>
A.a hle ako butle wif ur lies. Ho tlo ba jwalo.
>>chuckling<<< i hvnt yt thot bwt t,phela il b writ'n exams in three f nt four wks 4rm nw.
Afta da exams then il c
Nw really please put a stop,u pushin me too far.
No t s nt a nytmare t kind of mkes me strong. Nd i lyk pipo daht kno wht éy want. As 4 éir devorce =>that's 4 me 2 kno!
I neva really concern myslf wif t. Aww! @ a young age soh. I mean, f u axd me on my lst grade f i thnk il b married,id b lyk "n0,r u kid'n?!"
4 in case wa mpotsa,dnt even bother,wht ws in 4 their marriage wsn't in 4 me so m inspire nd m instilled 2 a constant n3d 2 succeed nd 2 always f3l strong nd courageous nd 2 neva baq dwn in da face of anything
I cn 4gv bt its hrd to 4get nd btw @ this point in my lyf iv got an amzing mada nd sh s breakin da cycle,nd guess wht,wht she taught me earned me happiness,"U CN'T CHANGE CERTAIN THINGS IN LYF;LET'N GO OF UR FEARS OF NT BEIN ABLE 2 CONTROL 'EM WIL INCREASE MY HAPPINESS" ene bophelo baka bo pila n0u.
Lol!wht bwt t? As u kno i hvn't really eva hd a positive male figure in my lyf,my mada plays a mada nd fada simultaneously so that enables me 2 b a better versxn of myslf
Ha se taba,bt my mada hd da courage 2 leave bcoz sh didnt want da cycle 2 happen,bt thngs lyk that-traumatic xperiences @ a really young age- weigh heavy throughout my lyf,mare heh ts a constant healin process.
He s jst a guy i randomly chat 2. I dnt evn kno him in prsn.
Lol! No n3d 2 hlem,he s jst a regular guy i tend 2 spend tym wif,ke achuse federe nufin attached.
!'ll take that as a compliment.. Proudly ghetto ey
=>>the GheTTo barb!E !s !mpresSed<<=
D u really 1na kno
L.o.l! Im his Undacova chick. Nah,m jst kid'n he s da bf
Let's sy m a crowd-shy prsn besides ha ke rate publicity phela azange ke tsamaya menate. Lols!
Nah,m nt. Ths wknd il b in bed.
L.o.Q! O buwa ka mang,ka Priz? Id rather nt go ér..
Baie dankie meisie/seun!
Hahaha! Yeah,sure! Ke mnate.
Thank yew aneh!
A.a mahn! M nt jst tired, daai kind maak my gatfol en n0u ek is kaak maal. Nxa!
Ha ke tsebe na keng asa fase ntja yeno ya hae.
Hoekom jy vra,Akere wa tseba hore o watla?¿?
Jwale o sa ntenelang hape? Btw,é lst tym i checkd he ws on his way =< kan jy asseblief hou op!
Lol! Nah,nt really. Ha ke yona atsea. Im dun wif piercings nd as 4 tattoos m dun 4 nw.
Hihi! Aikhona,niks jwang..
L.o.Q! I dNt kisS n tEL
Mo2 waka. L.o.Q!
Yeah sure, sh s. Ke sure le wna o we bone mos.
Moo yena a e bonang ale mong. Lol! Azange ke nahane ka yona. Id neva ink my bf's name on my bod
Ndithe mhlambe ndinayo okanye a ndinayo ^.^
Yes,4 instance da satanus,phela u kno ther r illuminatist,pipo hu v joined da group of mendes,etc.
Dnt thnk dat SATAN's methods of get'n folks 2 follow r always easy tah c. He s a master of fooln pipo. Ada pipo,wickednes nd evl r simply normal conditxns that wil always b.
Uhm idk f he hs da powa buh den he cn ova power GOD's natxn by fooling 'em.
Y da damn,blasted hel d u ax me dat?
Of coz humans cnt c da DEVIL,4 da same reason that dey cnt c GOD.
¤both God nd da Devil r da spirit persons,4ms of lyf higher dan humans nd unseen 2 our eyes.
Lmao! s that a threat or a promise..
Ha e le mo2 wa hao y d u v tah f3l inferior 2 him..
Wat gaan aan met jou? Kan jy aseblief hou op..
Yew r absurd! Hw on earth d i kno?¿?
Yew absurd! Hw on earth d i kno?
U r absurd! Hw é hel on earth am i s'posed tah kno?¿?
Haele nnete teng prob ekae? *wink*
Stroppy,shy nd calm