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Hmm..her name is kgolagano, I always called her kgoli..I'v dated long b4 she came along, but she happened to be the first I fell for
Exactly 4 minutes
2minutes ago
As long as ppl dnt knw, its probably a secret! . . .
Depends, preferably no..but if I hv smthng 4 her..& I mean smthng real..will definitely consider it
My best n worst moments..huhhh..let me thnk about
Scientific Question for you..
How Does Blood Reach Ur Brain??
Simple, Direction Of Liquid Is Always
towards the EMPTY SPACE. U shouldn't have a mind like an untreated sewage!!! That's just too lame
Attitude! Which is the very origin of al that went ryt n all that went good
Zero is her name!! "None" happens 2b the answer to ur m not dating
More than the word itself!! Talk about fun
Quiet and unapproachable?? Me?, c'mon niggar
Zero!! O should I say "None"??
Phylosophical, Independant, Apethetic