Rate yourself out of 10
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
Being fűcķed around haha
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
Versace versace versace ~ Migos
What does your perfect day look like?
last kiss?
Can't even remember haha
What is your bank balance ?
ever had a gobby? be honest
You'll have to ask your mother that one sorry.
Your Dream Job?
Versace CEO
What would you suggest everyone try ?
What is your ringtone?
jake knaepen ?
dont think i know the kid :*
Trè Webb
tbh i don't think i have ever met the kid from what i have heard he is extremely dyslexic and is a big homo... :* :*
brayden miller?
coolest kid best sense of humor and music. good mate
Jacks women? Jack who?
Biggest regret?
Nothing really haha
Laura Jose?
Great gurll. Awesome to talk to, attractive, all round top chick
Best kiss?
Umm probably jasmine
where did you ***?
In nunya. Nunyabuisnes and who is this?
but you did actually have *ex?
If ya want to know inbox me lol.
had *ex?
Bout a week ago.
Eden maree?
Nice chick. Has changed A LOT since we were little. Good lookin and idol book cafe buds
Only on days that end with y
Best kiss Saturday night?
Jasmine Adams
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
Vikings gosh.
Harmony Henderson?
Great gal. Bit silly with some things, but one of the best people to talk to. And just an all round top chick and a good mate
Great chick. used to talk a bit when jake was around not so much anymore though haha.
cool chicks in your year? :)
Most of themm haha
Childhood friends
Seb. Kyle Simmonds and more
When u coming down next ???
No clue buddy
Well f** rap battle me you Lil f** 1v1 me irl ****** jakeknaepen22
Laura Jose?
really nice chick, Attractive and fun to work with :)