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Lawyer in mergers
I dunno, maybe
When they are selfish and always doing the wrong thing
Why of course it can
Hell yeah!!
If they take stuff seriously
I didn't know there was something going on between us.....
Mm Angus I guess
Mmm not sure
Well you can s*ck lollipops
I'm as single as a Pringle
Eliza Wilson-Hall Or Alexander Di Simone
Eliza is awesome. We may disagree on quite a lot but she is still the swaggiest person I know
I haven't really spoken to Steph but she seems cool
Emma is really nice yet she hasn't given me that recipe to that really nice lemon cake
Amy is one of my best friends and I can easily trust her with anything
Georgia is sick and is awesome to talk to
Bec is really nice and is so good to talk to. She is a very close friend
Claire is such a cool person and is really cool to talk to.
The coolest!!
Mitch smashed me in FIFA. That was pretty bad. There was other stuff of course.
Eliza haha
Haha umm not saying over this haha
Umm there's a few. If you want to know then text me
Well I haven't really gotten to know Skye all that well but she is pretty cool! And I have never spoken to Sarah or Georgia.
Eliza is the greatest person i know. She is so funny and so fantastic to be around. I can tell her anything knowing she will never tell anyone or think any different of me. Got a lot of love for that kid
Such an awesome guy! I love spending time with him because he so awesome
Well I will be having a romantic evening planned because I'm playing indoor soccer in a non-air conned shack
Nah I don't, mainly because I crack my fingers
Definitely go skydiving
The end of the perks of being a wallflower got me sad but I didn't cry
That I'm too *exy
Being a lawyer would be pretty cool
Talk dirty-Jason Derulo Do I wanna know- Arctic Monkeys It's you- Duck sauce
Of course
Well first of all I'm not
Hellz yeah
Duh? I'm a guy!
Probably Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys
12th of july
We talk a lot surprisingly. It's not as much as I would talk to some guys but its long enough to be good friends
Nope. Text me then
Hahaha thanks. I would probs have bet but I have no clue who you haha
Emily, Amy, Eliza, Georgia, bec and Anna
Never heard it
Besides my sister I'm not actually sure
They aren't, but if they were I wouldn't say
Either Emma or Chloe
I remember that there was a girl in kinder that me and friend both kind of liked, but I can't remember her name
I didn't even write the stupid thing. Even if I had I wouldn't have been and idiot and left it on anonymous
Good for you haha
Do you reckon you can rephrase that coz that made no sense
Put yourself anonymous why don't you.
Coz it's the same for everything
Like I would actually say that for gods sake. Everyone knows my pas*word so they obviously logged in
First one
Congrats on your opinion
I'm pretty sure Amy and Eliza are. I think Anna is too
They are both awesome
No. She is a cool friend though
Emily, Eliza, Amy
Exactly my point
Well I would have to see it to believe it
Really funny and so good to talk to. Can trust her on anything. Awesome person
Don't really know her but she seems nice
She is good to talk to and is quite funny. Close friend
What?? No!
Hahaha thanks. I will try
Not sure actually. I haven't lost any friends
Already answered
Don't really know her but she seems nice and those people telling her to kill herself are just bastards with no life
They are a cute little couple
Nick Harrison
Eliza, Emily, Amy, Georgia, bec
Blake coz I haven't seen him in ages
Dunno. I actually can barely remember what they wore
A little yeah
Dress wise:
Eliza Amy Emily
They all did