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Nope, engage the noise and sunflower??
My aura is as pure as it can get. So fck with me when your chakras are allied. I am me. I am not you. There for ill do as i please.
Do i look like google to you? If you can use big words like ‘prolonged’ you can probably think to yourself
Yes i always miss my friends.
Why would you want to know in the first place , and youre the one who used the word ‘kid’
I dont touch kids bro.
Seker dit lyk nogsteets beter as joune☺️
Issa secret?
Hunny, you have poor eyesight. But you know I’ll take that as a complement.
On me? Not really. Its suites some people but not everyone, it really just has to adapt to your unique human character.
Definitely the crybaby tattoo, if you know the meaning behind it, you’ll know I try to live by it.
The red green and yellow colour block jacket and a bikini??
I doubt it bro, lives are over ratted.
That their fcking amazing. Your body is a canvis. The only tattoos i hate are in Chinese or unfamiliar writing because a 100% it never means what you think it does.
Nope? and even if i wanted it blond again it cant go back black hair die is a mofo
Vol i vet vok
Lol no, i got some new exitment in my life.?
Problems lil peep
Blade tattoos & Piercings in tgv, i think i pain about 250
Meh, nobody comes to mind.
Not a single f u c k
Nee dankie bra.
Most painful piercing was septum , most painful tattoo was on my neck.
Blessit! Dankie my aiya✊?
Ai bra ek sou seker se ek miss jou ook maar ek weet nie wie jy is nie??♀️ Dm my x
Aww thank you?
Madison beer, cardi B, nikita dragun and jefree star.
Awe brah
Its gon take someone real to pull up on my block.
I am sorry if I offended you in anyway, but yah its like you said: trust issues beyond your imagination and lately i have been dealing with a lot of people, and sometimes i am harsh because i try to fine comb the real people from the fakes and those who will bring falue to me or not. Sometimes i offend people but i just have resting btch face but still there is no excuse if i made you feel bad or uncomfortable. And i don’t really take anything out on anyone, i attach to sed vibe that i am picking up and taking it from there, i try to read people first to see if they would mach my personality and vibe and then only give them a taste of what i am really like. It can go really good or bad. That just me, and if you dont like it with all due respect its fine because i have somewhere els to hussle anyway.
Nee ek het hulle ongelukkig meer hulle nie, nee hulle is actually glad nie. Wees kalem en sit dood stil. As die piercer se maak hulle 3 keer n dag skoon bedoel hy of sy dit! Alle piercings puss moet nie uit freak na n week of so as dit bietjie geel watertjies af sky nie. Passop dat dit hak, ver al an jou hare en bad sponsies. Hanteer hulle soos pas gebore babas baie fradgile. Hulle vat tot 6 maande om gesond te raak so byt vas en moet nie op gee ma i maand of so nie!!! Smeer tissue oil daag liks aan hulle opdat dit scaring veroorsaak en vaseline aan hulle na jy gebad of gestort het, dit sal verhoed dat bacteria en stoff nie in jou nuwe piercing in gaan nie. MOET NOOIT AAN HULLE VROETEL NIE en wees altyd bewis van hulle sodat hulle nie hak en uit skeer nie. Good luck en DM my n foto as jy hulle gekry het. Xx
After light
20 dec??♀️
Bra jy sal my nie eers deur force gevat kry nie. So just keep walking , jyt niks hier verloor nie. Move along.
Hostle tattoos and piercing, maar ek was hulle oefen loopie gewees, dit is 400 per piercing.
Karla verduidelik jy maar die een.
How bout if i dont f u c k with you it really means i dont f u c k with you.
Well i delt with it for what felt like a very long time, I never would have labled it as depression untill a expensive doctor told me i am and said i needed tinny little pills that was supposed to make me feel better. But it didn’t. Today I am not angry at my depression because it made me a strong person. Sometimes depression has to hit you to really fcking hard to get over it. Sometimes it still hits me really hard to the point where i feel like i cant handle it but thats ok because it reminds me i am human. But every time i come out of a storm I am stronger hurricane. Life imitates art.
so baie liefde vir jou ookk lieff???
Bruh, idk? fransie en dylon ??♀️
Niemand is meer deel van ggc nie, en dis van almal verwag om die ggc van hulle insta name af te haal.
Ons het n paar mens gehaat wat nie rerig daar behoort het nie, en daardie mense veroorsaak dat ggc n kak naam kry. Ggc bestaan nog behalwe daar is net twee van ons, ek en karla is net so bietjie under construction met Als. Daar was nie drama of enige iets nie dis net, ons het af geskaal na 2 mense as gevolg van communication issues.
No lol? love the grammer hay.
Nope, island of light and disko topia ???❤️
Thank you so much❤️ At least i know i am doing something right xx?
Religion is a mind set. Ek geloof in niks behalwe my self.??
Eks so flattered, jy klink sweet maar ekt iemand alklaar in gedagte.
Aww baie dankie?❤️ Dis lekker om wakker te raak en sikke boodskappies te lees?❤️ En always✌?Xx hold your head up, keep your head up.
Ok bra
Doen ons almal nie
Jy maak my daggie❤️
Jirre jyt issues met jouself. Kalmeer belinda.
Nee bra eks non judgemental, ek noem i ding net soos wat dit is, niks word hier gesugar coat nie. Because lets call a spade a spade.
Het iemand nog nooit gese wat al skyf gerook het nie en waar is jou bibliografiese inligting ???? en gaan lees jou Genesis. Tert.
Homeschool ✊?
We where, i was, things changed. And now he has a rebound.
Nah, fck that sht.
Who me? Nah. I am rock & roll
Jy ken my duidelik nie
No, I actually knew. just goes to show that the other btch wasn’t sht hay.
Awww dankie an wie okal?✌??
Hmm, money.
Thank you so much? some people are just heavy weak minded
Ok jurre, rustig Belinda? en dis nogal i view. So stop and smell the roses.
Legit sht bra
Megan who
Bedoel jy i fokken tert*, tert.
Velange loop hoog??❤️❤️ Dankie my liefste?? seen hoopelik een van die dae??
Bra, luister gou vir my, jys n mors van my tyd op die oomblik, want in die klein rikkie wat ek jou kak gelees het kon ek n bong geslat het, as jy trug kom na my toe met facts dan sal jy dalk warde van my tyd wees
Maklik, ek doen nie. En btw jys i tert.
That some people are fake f u c k s, and that fakeness isn’t always on the outside, it comes from the inside, and i can gladly say i dont give a fat f u c k about what people think about me because at least my personality wasn’t manufactured in plastics for Africa.
Bar in my ear, lip ring, taunge ring, tragus piercings, two in my colar bones, belly ring, in my noese ( septum) and three in each lobe, blue fish scales on my tight thigh, cresent moon on my neck and my moms name on my left rib
Definitely my mom or connor❤️
Hrpot bedrog skaandaal?, glad mie skaam daroor nie??? het my net n sterker mens gemaak.
Baiiee dankie????
Ek homeschool?????