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My biggest fear? Uhm.......Running out of Ganja?
yes i do! I hv a beautiful boy named Tiisetso Zion. every1 mistakes him for a girl, so he'll b a real
Yup, feels like hard work. Its been my dreams since the days of a guy called Mr. Vermaak, who taught me Business Ec. back in high skul.
My parents put me in an Afrikaans primary school so the only friends i could hv until Gr8 were white. But as soon as i got to high school, i gradually adjusted to havin friends that looked like me, Varsity was a whole different story though.
Honestly? I DO.
She's all I need and i'm glad that she knows just how much.
Nope. Fortunately not.
That i\'m married. Not yet. But ITS ***MMMMIN!!!
Loving, Caring, Spiritual